Can Moringa Help You Lose Weight?

The Moringa oleifera tree has many edible parts, including roots, the seeds, and leaves, can all be eaten fresh or taken as a supplement. The leaves are often favored for their nutrients and antioxidants. They are very low in calories and ideal for low-carb diets. It isn’t known how helpful they are for weight loss. It is important not to over-consume because the higher doses may cause problems. Speak with your doctor before trying these supplements.

Can Moringa Help You Lose Weight?

1. Has Weight-Loss Promoting Fiber

One of the most essential things for overall health is fiber and you’ll get plenty from Moringa leaves. The amount you get will depend on the product you use. Fiber is important to for digestive health and avoiding constipation. Soluble fiber can help lower cholesterol and bring good microbes to your gut. Fiber helps you lose weight by absorbing water and bulking up, making you feel full easier. It will slow down food absorption, preventing nasty spikes in your blood sugar. You want your blood sugar to stay balanced to burn more fat.

Enjoying a cup of Moringa leaves gives you two percent of your needed fiber with a 2,000-calorie diet. If you want to make a powder, use whole, dried leaves and grind up. This powder will contain the natural fiver your body needs. There is a commercially available brand you can use that gives you 8 percent of your daily fiber, or two grams, per serving.

When shopping for your Moringa leave supplement, check on brands that have the nutrients clearly on the label. There are some products that don’t provide the necessary information.

2. Weight Loss Is Supported by Chlorogenic Acid

The Moringa leave has an antioxidant known as chlorogenic acid. This is an active ingredient in the well-known green coffee bean extract. It can help support weight loss because it acts to balance blood sugar levels and acts to burn fat. In laboratory experiments, mice fed chlorogenic acid burned more fat and lost more weight compared to animals that did not have this substance in their diet.

Even with these incredible benefits, bear in mind Moringa hasn’t been tested to see if it actually promotes weight loss in humans. It is unclear as to the number of supplements you may need to achieve the weight loss you are after. Labels may not be helpful, and you will need to know the amount of chlorogenic acid to use. It’s important to note that the amount of chlorogenic acid in leaves can vary depending on how they were processed and dried and their growing conditions.

3. Has Anti-Obesity Action

According to a study performed in 2014, it is possible to lose weight with moringa. Rats fed a high-fat-diet with resulting obesity were fed moringa oleifera leaves or moringa. After just 49 days on this supplement the rats had significant changes to their cholesterol levels, organ weight and overall body weight. Their body temps increased, showing a thermogenic effect from the supplement. This is thought to help with increasing the metabolic rate. 

4. Lowers Cholesterol

There are many who are overweight and often have high cholesterol levels. This can become a vicious cycle as obesity can lead to high cholesterol and high cholesterol can lead to obesity. One study showed cholesterol-lowering effects from the crude leaf extract of the moringa. The consumption of this extract with a high-fat diet, lowered the increases typically seen in kidney, liver and serum cholesterol levels in individuals consuming high-fat diets.

5. Helps Control Your Waistline and Blood Sugar

There is a well-known ling between blood sugar levels and obesity. If you could stabilize your blood sugar levels, what kind of benefits could you see? The moringa isothiocyanates in a powerful antidiabetic and antiobesity component found in the extract. With just a 5 percent concentrate of moringa supplemented in the diet scientists have seen lowered leptin, resistin, cholesterol, and plasma insulin in rats. This has led to the thought that using this supplement can be an effective way to help prevent type two diabetes.

Moringa has been studied in more than just rats. Both non-diabetics and diabetics have participated in a study on the effects of moringa tea on blood sugar levels. Two hours after consumption, the non-diabetics showed little difference while the diabetics saw a substantial drop in their blood sugar.

6. Contains High Levels of Nutrients and Antioxidants

Moringa is loaded with nutrients such as protein, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, antioxidants, calcium and potassium. These can also help weight loss. There have been studies showing an association with micronutrient deficiency and inflammation, obesity, and insulin resistance. Using products such as moringa leaf powders and teas can help recover these nutrients. If you are wondering about moringa weight loss, you will be happy to see all the positive results.

The large number of antioxidants in moringa really help fight the fat. Studies show those in a constant state of oxidative stress will see hypertension and insulin resistance more frequently. Eating more fruits and veggies is often recommended to the obese to help recover dietary antioxidants. Moringa’s antioxidants can help supplement this process. 

7. Boosts Metabolism

There are fatty acids found in Moringa that can help to boost metabolism. Those who take Moringa have noted a boost in energy. This is because of the metabolism boost, burning calories faster, causing blood to circulate better. This leads to an overall boost in energy and more calories burned.

8. Reduces Appetite

Because of the soluble fiber found in Moringa leaves, you will notice a reduction in appetite along with lowered cholesterol levels. You will also see improved gut health because of the beneficial microbes. This combined with the fiber soaking up water, provides you with a sense of feeling full longer.

How to Use Moringa for Weight Loss

Moringa has tons of beneficial elements such as vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, and Iron, all important for weight loss. This is a fantastic way to add nutrients without extra calories.

Moringa Leaves

The leaves are high in fiber, which is important for appetite reduction. Curbing cravings for unhealthy food is also a benefit, helping you drop those pounds. Most people cook the leaves and eat just like veggies by some while others dry them and crush into a powder.

You can opt to eat these as you would any other veggie, or choose a powder form to add to smoothies. If you are eating the powder, be sure to speak with a nutritionist to insure you don’t overconsume as it can be toxic.

Eating the Seeds

Similar to beans. the Moringa seed can be consumed. They have tons of oleic acids, minerals, fatty acids and vitamins. Oleic acid helps with the breakdown of animal fats. This can really help you lose belly fat. Moringa seeds can be roasted or eaten right out of the pods.

Try the following recipes:

Moringa Smoothie

In a blender add:

  • 4 leaves of kale-shredded
  • 1/2cup coconut oil
  • Tbs almond butter
  • One med. Banana
  • 1 TBS Moringa powder
  • Glass of ice

Blend and enjoy!

Moringa Leaf Sauce

In a large skillet:

  • Mix 1 cup water and ¼ cup peanut butter and bring to boil
  • Add 5 tsp Moringa leaf powder
  • 1 med. Onion, finely chopped
  • 4TBS oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Simmer for about 10 minutes and serve with rice. 

Moringa Tea

  • Bring 150 ml water to boil in teapot.
  • Add 1 tsp Moringa leaf powder.
  • Cook for about 5 minutes.
  • Strain, add honey and lemon to taste.

Side Effects of Moringa Oleifera

Though Moringa is considered non-toxic, you should still consider the following when using it:

  • The Moringa roots contain spirochin, an alkaloid known to cause paralysis and sometimes death. You should not eat the Moringa root.
  • There are laxative properties in the leaves and when consumed in a large quantity can cause gaseous distension, diarrhea, heartburn and stomach upset.
  • Using natural sweeteners such as honey is recommended as the taste isn’t very pleasant.
  • The Moringa leaves and bark contain chemicals that can make the uterus contract and even pose a risk of miscarriage.
  • Moringa may cause problems with blood thinners so consult a doctor before taking.
  • There is some research suggesting Moringa can trigger white blood cell disorders such as petechiae and gum bleeding.
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