My Baby Vomits After Breastfeeding, Is It Normal?

Being a mom, you will ask a number of question and want to know what to do for many conditions. Seeing your baby vomiting can be a shocking experience. You might be wondering why it happened, should you be concerned about it, what can you do about it and then realize you now have even more clothes to wash. If you are suffering from these, this article will cover just that.

Newborn Vomiting After Breastfeeding, Is It Normal?

While it is completely understandable that you would be concerned about your newborn spitting up after feeding, it is actually perfectly normal. Newborns are still adjusting to the feeding process, so it is common for them to spit up small amounts of the milk. Vomiting, on the other hand, is different as there is usually more coming up and this can be frightening, which can occur for a number of reasons with babies. Whether it is from riding in the care, indigestion, or even when your baby has been crying for a long time, you are bound to have to deal with a lot of vomit in the first year of your baby's life. So you don’t need to worry too much. Vomiting in babies will generally stop between 6 to 24 hours after it has started.

What to do if your babys vomiting?

While vomiting isn't anything to concern yourself with too much, there are a few ways you can make your baby more comfortable and recover faster.

  • Plenty of fluids. Every time your baby does vomit, he/she loses fluids their bodies need. When these fluids are not replenished, dehydration can occur. Newborn vomiting after breastfeeding may need to be giving a rehydration solution or ORS. Giving this solution with their usual breast milk can keep baby hydrated. Always consult your pediatrician before giving this solution and avoid giving your baby any fruit juices or carbonated beverages.
  • Slowly get back to the regular routine. If the vomiting has subsided for 12 to 24 hours, then you want to shift back into your baby's regular diet. While you want to continue to give plenty of fluids, you want to get him/her back to eating their usual foods. If baby is eating solid foods, then you want to reintroduce the easy to digest foods first. Cereal or yogurt are ideal foods; frozen clear liquids are easy on the stomach.
  • Plenty of sleep. Since the stomach will empty into the intestines when sleep occurs, sleep is important for a vomiting baby. Sleep will help your baby and their stomach settle.
  • Avoid giving your baby any anti-nausea medications unless prescribed by your pediatrician.

When Should You Worry?

After the first few months of age, a sudden onset of vomiting can be an indication of a stomach infection. Gastroenteritis is one such infection that will also cause diarrhea. Additionally, your baby may also vomit if they have a cold, urine infection, or ear infection. Food allergies can also be a common cause for vomiting. Before stopping foods given to your baby, consult the pediatrician first. Often times, once the food allergy is removed from baby's diet, the vomiting will stop.

In some instances, newborn vomiting after breastfeeding can be a sign of a more serious issue. If your baby has any of the following symptoms along with the vomiting, you want to contact the pediatrician as soon as possible.

  • Dry mouth
  • Lack of tear production
  • Fewer wet diapers (less than 6 a day)
  • Sunken fontanelle
  • Fever
  • Refusing to feed (either breastfed or formula)
  • Intense vomiting
  • Vomiting for 12 or more hours
  • Rash that doesn't fade when the skin is pressed, or a non-blanching rash
  • Sleepiness
  • Severe irritability
  • Bulging fontanelle
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Abdomen swelling
  • Blood or bile in vomit

Blood or bile in your baby's vomit may not be a major cause for concern if your baby was fine prior to vomiting. This can occur when the force of regurgitation causes tears in the blood vessels lining of the food pipe. If your baby has a cut in its mouth or has had a recent nosebleed, this can also cause vomit to have a reddish tint to it. You should, however, call the pediatrician if the color is darkening or last as this can be the result of a blocked intestine.

What Can You Do to Minimize Newborn Vomiting?

As a mother, you want your baby away from any disease including vomiting, so you would pay attention to the following things to avoid it in the first place.

  • Breastfeeding should be done more frequently in smaller amounts for easier digestions.
  • Position baby in an upright or sitting position while feeding.
  • Increase skin to skin contact to reduce fussiness.
  • Minimize air swallowing by checking your baby's latch.
  • Encourage non-nutritive or comfort sucking to speed up the gastric emptying process.
  • Allow your baby to sit comfortably after feeding without any fast movements or jostling.
  • Cut caffeine out of your diet.
  • Keep baby away from cigarette smoke.
  • Newborn vomiting after breastfeeding can be a result of switching breast while in the middle of feeding. Avoid interrupting you baby as they are fed as this can cause an increase in spitting up. Allow them to finish feeding on one breast before giving the other.
  • Do not compress baby's stomach, keep them in loose clothing as well as a looser diaper at the waist.
  • Burp your baby frequently.
  • Give baby a pacifier to reduce overfilling of the stomach.
  • If you or your breastfed baby are taking vitamins or supplements, stop taking them.
  • If you are eating foods that can be highly allergenic, try cutting them out or at least cut back on consuming these products.
  • Handle baby gently especially after feeding.
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