Bloating During Pregnancy

You will have so many questions when you become pregnant for the first time. One of the most common questions is about the reason why you have to deal with bloating during pregnancy.When you feel bloated, you will find yourself pass gas at inconvenient times. Why does it happen? Is there anything you can do to keep things under control?

Is Bloating During Pregnancy Normal?

Yes, you usually do not need to worry about it, because it is quite normal. In fact, an average person may produce up to 4 pints of gas every day and pass it about 14-23 times a day. The frequency of passing gas may increase when you are pregnant, which usually happens due to an increase in progesterone that relaxes smooth muscle tissues in your body and slows down your digestion as well.

While there is no need to panic for experiencing it, you should not mix it with severe abdominal pain, which is somewhat different as compared to bloating. If you experience serious pain, it is time to see your doctor. Also, talk to your doctor if your abdominal discomfort continues for more than half an hour or you develop diarrhea or see blood in your stool.

What Are the Causes of Bloating During Pregnancy?

While bloating during your pregnancyis quite common, it may happen due to a number of different reasons. Here are a few for your understanding.

1. Gas

There will be a change in hormones when you are pregnant – these changes are necessary to support your developing baby. Relaxin and progesterone are responsible for stretching your pelvic area during labor, but they can also cause constipation. Your digestive system may also slow down during pregnancy, and this gives time to naturally occurring bacteria in the intestines to break down the food and form gas. This gas is usually the reason behind heartburn and bloating.

2. Uterine Swelling

The fertilized egg implants itself in the uterine wall by the 4th week of pregnancy. The blood vessels of the endometrium and the uterine lining offer nourishment for the embryo until the placenta develops. There will also be an increased flow of blood to the uterus, which increases the heart rate and causes uterine walls to swell. The swollen uterus will take up more space in your pelvic region and make you feel bloated.

3. Constipation

The fetus absorbs water content from the food that reaches the intestine. This leaves your stool dry, which may even lead to a buildup of rectal matter. This usually causes gas and bloating with constipation and other issues.

4. Weight Gain

It is obvious to feel hungry most of the time because you are eating for two, but you will end up increasing your calorie intake by taking nutritious diet and vitamin supplements. This leads to excessive weight gain. When your body weight goes up, you find it more difficult to stay active during pregnancy. This results in bloating during your pregnancy.

Remedies to Ease Bloating During Pregnancy

With knowledge about what causes your bloating, you will be in a better position to take some steps to resolve the issue. Here are some suggestions to feel less bloated during pregnancy.

1. Drink Enough Water

Keep your body hydrated during pregnancy. You should drink at least 10 8-ounce glasses a day. Sometimes, you experience bloating and pain due to a condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). If that is the case, you should not drink juices that contain bloating-promoting sugars called FODMAPs. Orange, pineapple, grape, and cranberry juices are good choices though.

2. Do Some Exercise

You have to stay active during pregnancy because this keeps your system running and prevents gas and bloating. Being active does not mean you need to hit the gym every day, but a short, daily walk will do just fine. Exercise also helps by speeding up digestion – it also makes you feel better emotionally and physically. Talk to your doctor before trying any new exercise.

3. Do Not Eat Refined Sugar

You should exclude sweetened fruit juices and carbonated beverages from your diet because they contain fructose corn syrup that promotes and aggravate bloating during pregnancy. Instead, opt for fresh fruits, such as peaches, apricots, and bananas. You should also say no to slimming foods and gums because they contain sorbitol, which may also contribute to gas and bloating.

4. Eat Foods Full of Fiber

Include fiber-rich food in your diet such as rice, yams, apples, carrots, whole-grains, leafy greens, and whole-wheat toast in your diet to increase your fiber intake. These foods absorb water in your gut and make food move smoothly through your intestine. Keep in mind that you should increase your fiber intake slowly because eating too much fiber may also lead to constipation.

5. Say No to Gas-Inducing and Fried Foods

Just like avoiding soda and other gas-inducing liquids, you also need to avoid gas-inducing foods, such as beans, onions, broccoli, and cabbage. While fried foods may not cause gas on their own, they will slow down your digestive system and contribute to bloating.

6. Take Smaller Portions

One simple way to beat bloating during pregnancy is to eat less but more often. Instead of eating three large meals a day, you should eat less at least 5-6 times a day. This will help keep your digestive system in best working condition and prevent bloating as well.

7. Eat Slowly

Make it a habit to chew your food well before you swallow it. Eating quickly will make you swallow air, which in turn will lead to bloating. Eating slowly and taking more time to chew your food will keep you from overloading your digestive system. This will go a long way in reducing gas.

8. Try to Relax

You should eat when you feel relaxing. Do not eat when you are under stress of finishing a report on time. Take a few deep breaths and relax your nerves before you start eating your meal to prevent bloating.

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