Contraceptive Injection

A man's sperm must reach and fertilize a woman's egg to achieve pregnancy. Contraception helps prevent pregnancy by stopping egg production or by keep the sperm and egg apart. A number of contraceptive methods are in practice these days, and the list includes male and female condoms, contraception pills, vasectomy, vaginal rings and so on. Contraceptive injection, another effective option,is also available. Keep reading to learn more about it like if it is safe to use this contraception method.

What Is Contraceptive Injection?

You can take contraceptive injections if you're not interested in taking other hormonal contraceptive such as the pill. These injections contain a hormone quite similar to progesterone. Given into a muscle, an injection will have its effect for several weeks, so you don't have to take one daily as you do when taking a daily tablet.

There are different contraceptive injections available, Noristerat, Depo-Provera and Sayana Press. Noristerat is effective for up to 8 weeks, whereas Depo-Provera provides protection up to 12 weeks. Sayana Press injection stays effective for the longest time – it will offer protection against pregnancy for up to 13 weeks. So, it is important to have a renewal contraceptive injection on time before it loses effectiveness to continue to get protection against pregnancy. Consult with your doctor and learn exactly what type of an injection you've been given and when you need to come again for another shot.

The video below introduces contraceptive injection generally and vividly.

How Does Contraceptive Injection Work?

Both Noristerat and Depo-Provera are given into a muscle in your upper arm or in your bottom. Sayana Press is given subcutaneously – you will have to get a shot under your skin in the thigh or abdomen. You can take an injection any time during your menstrual cycle, but you have to ensure that you're not already pregnant. These injections work like the implant and steadily release progestogen, which is similar to progesterone, into your bloodstream.

Due to the release of progestogen, you will stop ovulating every month. The contraceptive injection also thickens the mucus from the cervix, which prevents sperm to reach the womb and fertilize the egg. The lining of the womb will also become thin due to the continuous release of progestogen, which will make it difficult to support a fertilized egg.

Getting a shot during the first five days of your menstruation cycle will give you immediate protection against pregnancy. You won't be protected for up to a week if you have your contraceptive injection on any other day of your cycle. Therefore, you should use condoms or other methods of birth controls during this period to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

How Effective Is Contraceptive Injection?

These injections are among the most effective form of contraception; in fact, some experts believe they are 99% effective, which means only one in 100 who have taken the injection will become pregnant. However, the injection will lose its effectiveness if you don't come for a repeated dose. Most women who become pregnant after their first injection are the ones who don't get the second injection on time. You should also keep in mind that some prescription medications could affect the overall effectiveness of the injection. Talk to your doctor about it to ensure you get maximum protection against unwanted pregnancies.

Can Any Women Use Contraceptive Injection?

Contraceptive injections are safe for most women, but you should not take them if you are already pregnant or want to become pregnant in the next year. Don't take the contraceptive injection if you don't want your period cycle to change. Avoid it if you have had breast cancer in the last few years or you've had unexplained vaginal bleeding. Women with arterial disease, diabetes, lupus, liver disease and heart disease should not get these contraceptive injections.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Contraceptive Injection

Just like any other form of contraception, there are certain advantages and disadvantages of getting contraceptive injections. For instance:

1.  Advantages

  • You don't need to take a break from sex.
  • You don't have to remember to take it daily.
  • You will be protected against pregnancies between 8 and 13 weeks depending on the type of injection.
  • You may not worry about having heavy periods.
  • You may notice some reduction in period pain.
  • You may use it if you cannot use other forms of contraception.
  • You don't have to worry about anything if you vomit.

2.  Disadvantages

  • Your periods may become irregular or even stop completely.
  • It may reduce bone mineral density, making your bones becomes thin.
  • You may have to wait for some time until your period returns after you have stop taking the injection.
  • You may put on some weight, especially when taking Depo-Provera, but it is more common in the first six months of use.
  • You may experience side effects such as mood swings, headaches, irregular bleeding and breast tenderness. You will have to live with these side effects if they appear after taking the injection because the injection cannot be removed.
  • You won't have any protection against sexually transmitted infections, so it may still be a good idea to use condoms during sexual intercourse.
  • You may end up dealing with acne after getting the contraceptive injection.

Getting Pregnant After the Contraceptive Injections

You can become pregnant before your first period after you have stopped taking your contraceptive injections. However, in some cases, it can take up to a year or two to become pregnant. Talk to your doctor to learn more about it. 

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