Creamy White Discharge Before Period

Women have to learn about various occurrences that are typical for their body around the time of menstruation. Among those is the appearance of a creamy white discharge before period days. Discharge from the vagina can take various form and color, it is important for every woman to understand if the condition is normal or not.

Creamy White Discharge Before Period, Is It Normal?

For women, the appearance of a white discharge can be a common occurrence. For those who experience it, most find it to be normal, provided there is no associated itching or odor. When discharge occurs, it is typically thick and white prior to or following the woman's period. During the cycle, the color, consistency and quantity of the discharge will change.

Why Would I Have White Discharge?

All women experience the regular white, non-itchy and odorless discharge at some point during their lives and after puberty. This discharge is produced by glands in both the vagina and the cervix. It is created to keep the vagina free of infection. It removes dead cells from both the cervix and vagina, allowing the area to remain healthy and free of bacteria.

Periodicity of White Discharge Before Period

Progesterone and estrogen levels in the blood control the secretion of discharge as a part of the menstrual cycle. The two hormones control the various stages of the menstrual cycle.

  • ŸFirst, there are the so-called dry days, where the opportunity for conception is minimal so almost no discharge is produced. This is typically the days immediately following a period.
  • ŸNext, the hormones also control a thick white discharge, which occurs two to three days after the dry days and is not favorable for conception.
  • ŸA few days later, a sticky clear discharge occurs during the egg white stage, which is a highly favorable environment for sperm cells and therefore conception is ideal at this point.
  • ŸFinally, a creamy white discharge before period that occurs in the days leading up to the period and actually occurs after the egg is released.

When Is Vaginal Discharge Abnormal?

Vaginal discharge that is normal is white, odorless and does not cause itching. The appearance of creamy white discharge before period is a normal occurrence and therefore no reason to stress. However, if the discharge is a different hue, has an odor or causes discomfort, it could be a sign of a potential health issue.

The appearance of a yellow, gray or green discharge that is clumpy or smells can mean one of the following illnesses is present (or it can be a sign of another issue):

  • ŸChlamydia or gonorrhea: Both of these sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, can present with a sudden increase in the amount of discharge, which should be a cause for concern if you are not pregnant or in the midst of a menstrual cycle. Besides abnormal amount of discharge, you may also feel a burning sensation when urinating.
  • ŸYeast infection: Itching, some swelling and usually a consistency similar to that of cottage cheese will be present as signs of a yeast infection.
  • ŸTrichomoniasis: An odor similar to that of rotten eggs and a frothy consistency to the discharge may be a sign you are suffering from this STD.
  • Vaginosis: This bacterial vaginal infection presents the signs of yellow, gray or green discharge, with a fishy smell.

How to Prevent Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

There are some ways to decrease your chances of infection and therefore avoid discharge that is not part of the typical menstrual cycle process your body repeats each month. With some care and avoidance of certain substances or materials close to the vagina, it may be simple to prevent abnormal discharge. Maintaining the healthy practices of the body is a great way to make sure the system stays on track and can fight infections appropriately when they are unavoidable.

Below are some tips to follow to avoid issues with your vaginal discharge:

  • When using vaginal lubrication, avoid petroleum jelly or oils. These substances become an ideal environment to foster bacteria within the vagina.
  • Only wear cotton underwear. Other materials tend to hold in sweat and not allow the vaginal area to get air as well as cotton. Another idea is to forgo wearing underwear to bed, in order to allow the vagina to stay dry.
  • Avoid vaginal douches at all costs.
  • Wipe from front to back when dealing with both urination and bowel movements. This decreases the spread of bacteria from one area to another, which can lead to infections as the bacteria grow to unhealthy levels.
  • Feminine hygiene products, including lotions, perfumes and scented soaps or bubble baths, should also be kept away from the vaginal area, or at least minimize the use.
  • When dealing with a vaginal infection, do not have sexual intercourse. This will interfere with treatment and prolong the issue.
  • In a similar light, always use condoms during sex. This helps minimize the spread of bacteria between partners.
  • Do not scratch if there is itching when dealing with an infection. This can introduce different bacteria and make the situation worse.
  • Do not wear items like exercise cloths or bathing suits that are tight fitting and hold in dampness for longer than necessary. This can increase the risk for infections.
  • If infection is being treated and does not begin to improve within a couple days, seek medical advice. Sometimes a stronger medication is needed to get rid of the infection.
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