Spotting a Week Before Period

Spotting refers to vaginal bleeding between your menstrual periods. Almost every woman experiences this common problem at some point in life. In most cases, you don't have to worry about spotting a week before period. In rare cases, it can be a sign of a reproductive health problem. Keep reading to find out when you actually need to worry about spotting before period.

Spotting a Week Before Period, Is It Normal?

As mentioned already, spotting before period is usually a normally occurrence. It is more common in adolescent girls who may have just entered puberty. There could be some irregularity in menstrual periods at first, and spotting a week before period is one such irregularity. Each month, your body releases different hormones that make your ovary to release an egg at ovulation. The process is followed by buildup of the uterine lining. Your progesterone levels come down after some time that makes the uterine lining to slough off, which leads to the menstrual flow.

The hormonal changes may not be that regular during the first few cycles, which may lead to spotting a week before period.Even if you have noticed such issue, this is usually nothing to worry about because it resolves when your menstrual cycles become more regular.

Possible Causes of Spotting a Week Before Period

There can be different explanations if you've noticed spotting before period. Here's a bit more about it.

1. You're Witnessing Implantation Spotting

If your period isn't due for a week or more, but you have still noticed spotting, this could be due to implantation spotting. In this situation, the fertilized egg implants itself on the wall of your uterus. Your temps are more likely to have an extra leap during this time. Your uterus has nourishing blood for the growing baby and this blood may be expelled at implantation.

2. You're Experiencing Delayed Ovulation

In case you ovulate later in your cycle, it may lead to mittleschmerz that usually comes with pain in your ovary at ovulation. You will notice a small amount of blood afterwards. It may also mean you have a small cyst on the surface of your ovary, so your egg breaking through can cause spotting. Strengthening your ovaries will help prevent cysts and prevent spotting a week before period.

3. You've Got an IUD

An IUD usually prevents you from getting a period, but you may still notice spotting within the first three to six months of having one inserted. You may notice it even if you're using copper or hormonal IUD.

4. You Changed the Way You Use Birth Control Pills

You may notice spotting if you have just started or stopped taking the pill. This may also happen when you switch from one type of pill to another with less estrogen. With a change in the level of estrogen, there will be a change in the lining of your uterus, which may cause spotting. This spotting usually clears within 1-3 months. Sometimes, missing a dose will also lead to spotting. The best thing is to take your pill as soon as you remember.

5. You're Under Stress

When you're under stress, you're only going to make your period even more stressful for you. Stress can make your body to release the hormone cortisol, which have a direct impact on the level of progesterone and estrogen in your body – the levels will come down with an increase in cortisol. This in turn will mess with your period and lead to spotting a week before period.

6. You Have Uterine Fibroids

You're more likely to have uterine fibroids when spotting is accompanied by some other symptoms such as pelvic pain, painful periods, and pain during sex. Research shows that about 70% of women will develop uterine fibroids at some stage in their lives. You will have to treat uterine fibroid to improve your condition.

7. You Have Slow Thyroid

A slow thyroid will have a huge impact on how you feel during your menstrual period. It will also affect your bodily temperature and change your metabolism as well. You will notice other signs along with spotting, such as quick weigh gain, fatigue, and pain in the front of your neck. Discuss your condition with your doctor to find a treatment option.

When to Worry About Spotting Before Period

As mentioned already, you usually don't have to worry a lot about spotting. It is, however, important to pay attention to how heavy your vaginal bleeding is. If you're experiencing light spotting, this should not worry you at all. The issue should resolve on its own without any medical help. In case you're experiencing heavy vaginal bleeding between periods that make you change your menstrual pads every hour, you should go see your doctor for further evaluation.

Here are some specific cases when you should consult with your doctor:

  • Excessive vaginal bleeding that lasts more than three days
  • Light spotting that continues for at least three menstrual cycles
  • Any vaginal bleeding with a pattern different from your typical pattern
  • Vaginal bleeding that hits you more frequently than every three weeks
  • Heavy bleeding soon after a sex session
  • Vaginal bleeding after completing menopause

These are some of the cases when you should let your doctor know about your condition. They will ask you some questions, look for other symptoms, diagnose your problem, and select an appropriate treatment option.

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