Why Do You Have Spotting After Ovulation?

In case of a normal menstrual cycle, your ovaries release an egg during ovulation. You experience menstrual bleeding when the egg is not fertilized and the uterus sheds its lining. It usually means that you experience bleeding only after the release of an egg, but it is still possible to experience spotting in the middle of your cycle. Certain factors can contribute to this – it could be due to an underlying reproductive health issue. Let's find out more about it.

Causes of Spotting After Ovulation

In case you experience mid-cycle spotting soon after ovulation, you may have to consider what other symptoms you may be experiencing. Generally, it happens due to the drop in estrogen levels, but there could be other explanations too. For instance:

1. Issues Related to the Cervix

It is quite rare, but still possible to experience mid-cycle bleeding due to cervical fibroids, HPV, or other abnormalities of the cervix. Be sure to see your doctor if you have spotting along with pain in the cervical region.

2. Implantation Bleeding

The spotting you experience could very well be implantation bleeding, as 1/3 of women who become pregnant experience it. You notice light bleeding about 6-12 days before conception. If it is implantation bleeding, you are likely to notice a light pink to brown color discharge. This usually indicates tissue that develops around the fertilized egg.

When the egg implants itself on the uterine wall, it can damage some of the blood vessels and cause a light bleeding to occur. It is possible for implantation bleeding to occur 12 days after ovulation and that often makes women think they are having menstrual bleeding. Just remember that if it is implantation bleeding, it usually lasts no longer than two days.

3. Exposure to Certain Herbs

It is possible to experience spotting after ovulation when you expose yourself to herbs that affect your hormonal system. Many herbs support your reproductive health and help correct any hormonal imbalances, but sometimes, they can also cause mid-cycle spotting. If the spotting is due to herbs, you are likely to experience it for the first few cycles of use. The bleeding stops once your body adjusts itself to the herbs you are taking. While you may feel concerned, it is better to continue the herb. Herbs have medicinal properties and are effective when taken consistently. The idea is to provide your body with enough time to get used to the herb, and that is when you experience maximum benefits.

4. Hormone Balance Disruption

You are going to experience several problems when there is an imbalance of hormones in your body. Your body has a delicate orchestra of hormones called the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis. If anything disrupts this system, you may end up dealing with spotting. Many reproductive health problems can affect this system – the most common issues are thyroid disorders, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, PCOS, and ovarian cysts.

If you experience recurring mid-cycle spotting, you may want to have a hormone profile test performed. You can get to know better about any hormonal imbalance if you go for a full panel of hormone testing with your healthcare provider. Your doctor will explain your results and help you understand what you can do to correct hormonal imbalances. Once the balance is restored, you will no longer have to deal with spotting after ovulation.

5. Ruptured Cyst

It is possible to experience light bleeding after ovulation in case you have a ruptured cyst. This is not always a bad thing because it means that your body has found a way to get rid of the cyst. You may feel a bit concerned after seeing some blood, but this is usually nothing serious. The only time when you should see your doctor is if you also have other symptoms, such as nausea, excruciating pain, heavy bleeding, and vomiting.

6. Endometriosis

You develop endometriosis when the lining of the uterus overgrows and goes outside of the uterus. While this tissue may involve the pelvis and bowel, it may continue to act as normal uterine tissue and bleeding during your normal menstrual cycle. The problem is that it cannot go out of your body like normal tissue, which may result in the formation of cysts. These cysts can irritate the surrounding tissue and cause scar tissue to develop. If you have endometriosis, you are going to experience excruciating pain during period along with fertility issues.

What to Do

If you experience any spotting after ovulation and suspect a problem, you should see your doctor immediately. Most of the time, it is nothing serious, but you should not ignore mid-cycle bleeding if it is accompanied with pain, vomiting, and other symptoms.

Moreover, you should seek medical help if your mid-cycle bleeding continues for more than a couple of days. Before you go see your doctor, keep a record of your problem and symptoms, including what day in the cycle you are experiencing spotting, how long it lasts, and what other symptoms you have. 

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