Ways for Breaking Your Legs on Purpose or Accidentally

There are four bones (fibula, tibia, patella and femur) and three joints (at the hip, knee and ankle) in a human's leg. In case of an accident, these bones might fracture or break into two or more pieces. Once a bone breaks and it is exposed to the surface, this can be referred to as an open fracture and in some cases a compound fracture.

Sounds hurt? Yet, many people have been trying to figure out "how to break leg" on the internet. Here we list the possible ways to break one's leg either on purpose or accidentally, along with the consequences of having a broken leg.

How to Break Your Legs on Purpose

Warning: never intend to break your legs on purpose without understanding the consequences. It can be quite painful!

1.   Your Baseball Bat Can Help

Strong objects hitting on your leg can be one of the surefire answers to the question how to break the leg. Having someone hitting you with a baseball bat is such a way to getting yourself a broken leg.

2.   Jump Can Be a Good Idea

You can also choose to break your leg via jumping. Climb on a wall with sports shoes on then jump off from the wall. Ensure that you land on one leg with your foot at an angle. The shoe will cause your ankle to twist more.

3.   Dropping a Rock on Your Leg

Place 2 pairs of bricks one foot apart and place your foreleg across them. Drop a large rock on your leg. This will cause you to feel something strange but when you try to move your leg you will experience pain. You will get a crack on your leg that will heal in a month or so. However, if you really want to break your leg, you should use body weight instead of a rock.

4.   Make Use of Rabbit Hole

The most effective 'how to break your leg' tip is to jam your leg in a rabbit hole then fall backwards. Just make sure to have someone to call 911 immediately as you will be in immense pain. This method can ensure that you will only get your leg broken other than other body parts.

5.   Overuse

Overuse can cause stress fractures that occur on bonesbearing your weight in your leg. Running long distances and repetitive force can cause stress fractures to occur. However, it is also possible that normal use can cause such fractures if you have weak bones.

6.   Utilize Someone's Weight

You may try this method after drinking. Brace your upper leg on an object and the lower leg on another object. Have someone jump on your leg placing all their weight on your leg.

Here is video showing how a boy get his leg broken from a swingset:

How You Could Break Your Leg Accidentally

How to break your leg on purpose looks very painful, here's how an accident might happen:

1.   Falling

Sometimes, people can get their legs broken when falling from certain places. It can cause bones in your leg to break. However, thigh bones need more force to fracture.

2.   Car Accident

You may get all three of your bones broken if you experience a car accident. The condition can become worse if your legs are crushed against the dashboard during the crash.

3.   Sports Injuries

How to break your leg? If you hyperextend your leg when playing any contact sport, it could get broken. Your leg could also break due to a direct blow from your opponent' body or a hockey stick.

What to Expect After Breaking Your Leg

After your leg is broken, you are likely to experience deformity, pain and swelling. The deformity after breaking your leg will manifest itself in the following ways:

  • Severe pain can be felt if you t ry to move that broken leg. Movement will only make it worse, and you need to try to hold on one posture the decrease the pain.
  • Swelling: bruising and swelling on the affected area is normal to be seen.
  • Shortening: the affected leg might seem shorter than the other leg
  • Rotation: the leg might appear twisted below the point of breaking.
  • Angulationyour leg willbend at the break point, rather than at the joint.
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