Feeling nervous at times can actually be a very normal emotion. Our bodies have physical changes when we react to situations that are stressful. You may feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest. You may have racing thoughts and sweating palms. If you get nervous to the point you feel like you can’t move, or you want to run out of a room, it is helpful to find ways to cope with it. Learning how to not be nervous can help you find a calming peace in times of stress and keep your cool. This article has some helpful tips to help you ease your nerves.
How to Not Be Nervous
There are several techniques that can help teach you how to stop being nervous. If you have problems with your nerves under pressure, try establishing an easy routine to prepare yourself. Try these tips:
1. Learn Bre
athing Techniques
You can learn from Yoga techniques on how to adjust your breathing to bring peace and calm to your mind and body. If you take long and deep breaths, you can teach your body not to react to stress. If you take quick and shallow breaths, your body will become tense. Try this:
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Slow your breaths and relax yourself.
- Count as you breathe or repeat the mantra, “I am breathing in, I am breathing out.”
2. Spend Some Time Alone
Sensory overload can make anyone nervous. Picture this: a room full of people, music blaring, every light on, lots of movement, and three different people vying for your attention. This will overload your senses and can elevate your nerves responses to the overload. How to not be nervous? Take a time-out in a dark and quiet room for five minutes. You will feel more relaxed and calm.
3. Use a Visual Technique
If you are afraid of failure, visualize yourself being successful. If you see yourself in a scary situation, visualize yourself in a happy situation. Try these:
- Picture yourself lying on a beach with soft ocean breezes
- If you are worried about not doing something right, picture yourself doing it perfectly.
- If you are nervous speaking to crowds, picture the room as empty
4. Hydrate Your Body
Use water and avoid caffeine and sugar. Water flushes out toxins and chemicals that make you feel nervous. When you are dehydrated, you will feel more nervous because your body needs hydration. Try increasing water intake before situations that make you nervous.
5. Try Speaking Mantras to Yourself
Positive words come from positive thoughts and speaking them aloud to yourself is affirming. Use happy, peaceful words and praise yourself for good things. You can also speak calming words to yourself like:
“I am not nervous; I am at peace within myself. I am good at overcoming my nerves.” Repeat/chant this to yourself until you feel calm.
6. Try Slow Counting Exercises
Counting takes thought and focus which takes away your attention and you’ll not be asking how to not be nervous. If you find your mind racing with worry about something you are about to do, start at 50 and count backwards. This will occupy your mind and take the focus off what is making you nervous. It can also help relieve tension and worry.
7. Look in the Mirror
If you are nervous about something, your face, mannerisms, and your speech will show it. Look in the mirror when thinking about what is making you nervous and practice making positive facial expressions, using positive mannerisms, and uplifting tones when you speak. Practice this often and it will become very natural.
8. Practice Makes Perfect
If certain things make you nervous, face them. Go into the situation and just try tolerating the nerves. Over time you will find ways to cope and your nervousness will become less. For example, if you feel nervous speaking onstage then visit the stage when the auditorium is empty. Sit there for a little while and then picture people sitting in the chairs. You will eventually feel very comfortable in the situation and be able to speak in front of people.
9. Try Using a Stress Ball/Toy
Squeezing a stress ball helps release tension from the body. When you feel nervous, pick up your ball and squeeze it 5 or 10 times. When you have to be in stressful situations, make sure you bring your stress ball with you.
10. Arrive Earlier ThanYou Are Supposed To
Being early and being prepared for situations that make you nervous help reduce the stress. Before you leave your house, gather your notes, prepare yourself, and leave early. One solution of how to not be nervous, is be early or at least on time.
Go for a Brisk Walk
Walking helps release “feel good” endorphins and can quickly make you feel more calm and relaxed. Take a 10-minute brisk stroll through a pretty place like the woods, near the ocean, or in a garden to help you relax and feel calm.
12. Is It Really That Bad?
If something makes you nervous because you think there will be a bad outcome, ask yourself how bad it will be. For example, if you stumble on a few words in a speech, chances are your audience will still get the main point.
13. Turn on Sof
t Music
How to not be nervous? Just relax yourself. Soft Jazz, classical or New Age music can be very relaxing. When you start to feel nervous, turn on some soft music and close your eyes. Use this during your positive visualization and combine it with your breathing routine for extra calming effects.
14. Give Yourself a Temple Massage
Take a time out and give your temples a good massage. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Place your fingers in your temples and gently massage them in a circular motion. This can relieve stress quickly.
15. Talk to Someone or Write in a Journal
Getting your feelings out can help release nervous tension. Try talking to a trusted friend about what makes you nervous or keep a journal to write down your nervous feelings. It helps to get them out and replace them with calm and peaceful feelings.