No Period After Abortion

An abortion happens when a pregnancy is abruptly terminated, with or without intervention. Whatever the cause, an abortion causes a disruption of the normal hormonal processes involved in pregnancy, which could result in a delay in your usual menstrual periods. Among some women, no period after the abortion could occur.

Is No Period After Abortion a Concern?

Hormonal patterns and ovulation can return to normal after an abortion. But the time can vary. This is affected by the hormonal variations in every woman and the stage of pregnancy when an abortion occurs. If an abortion occurs during the first twelve weeks or first trimester, you may expect your period to return in about 4 to 12 weeks. Usually, if you have no period after 8 weeks, it is advisable to see a doctor.

One reason you might have no period for several weeks is that your body still retains some pregnancy hormones even after the pregnancy has terminated. These hormones cause your body to suppress ovulation, so it is likely that you will have delayed menstruation.

Furthermore, an abortion can cause an increase in stress levels, which can also affect your hormonal balance, causing changes in your normal menstrual cycles. This can persist even if the effects of your pregnancy and abortion have diminished.

Does No Period Mean a Failed Abortion or a New Pregnancy?

Some women may wonder if having no period after abortion may be a sign of a failed abortion or another pregnancy. You can ask for a checkup to ensure the abortion is successful. If you want to know if you are pregnant again after a previous abortion, you can take a pregnancy test. However, it can remain positive for the first few weeks due to the retained pregnancy hormones.

To determine if you may be pregnant again, get two home pregnancy tests. Test your urine about one week after you think you may have conceived and take another test one week later. It is likely that you are pregnant again if the second test gives a darker result than the first one (being more positive). However, if the second test comes out lighter than the first, then there is less likelihood that you are conceiving again, and it is possible that the results are due to the first pregnancy.

Note: It is possible to ovulate again right after an abortion. This means that you can still get pregnant. If you are not prepared for pregnancy, remember to take birth control measures. Or you will end up with another abortion.

You Are Not Alone

Having no period after abortion is not uncommon. Here are some real-life experiences:

"I had a miscarriage about 6 weeks ago but I have not started to get my periods yet. I lost my baby at 4 weeks and I did not bleed much after that. I got a pregnancy test to see if I got another pregnancy because I have been having unprotected sex. How long does it take to get my period again?"

"I got an abortion 18 weeks ago and I still have no periods. I only bled for one day after the abortion. The doctor did a pelvic exam, which turned out to be normal. I do get occasional cramps, and sometimes they are really bad. But I still have no periods after 4 months from the abortion."

"I had an abortion last April, and it's been 5 months for me without periods. Two months ago I went to my doctor and had a CT scan and some blood tests. He said I was fine and he gave me pills. However, I went back to see him after another two months because I still got no periods. I got more tests which turned out OK, but I am really getting concerned. I'm wondering if I should not have had the abortion at all."

Tips for Better Recovery After Abortion

Proper care and good recovery may help the problem of no period after abortion. Follow these tips:

  • Monitor your body temperature daily for the first week after an abortion. A fever may be a sign that an infection has developed. Call your doctor if your body temperature is higher than 100.4 degrees.
  • ŸMonitor your bleeding by using maxi pads after an abortion. Call your doctor if you have heavy bleeding.
  • See your doctor for a checkup two to three weeks after your abortion.
  • Avoid using tampons for 4-8 weeks.
  • Avoid douching, having sex, or putting anything in your vagina for 2 weeks after your abortion.
  • Avoid taking tub baths or going swimming for 2 weeks. Instead, take a shower.
  • Avoid aerobics, running, heavy lifting or any strenuous exercise for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, alcohol or marijuana which may cause heavy bleeding.
  • Take prescribed medications as your doctor has instructed you.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Avoid working for a few days.
  • Eat a healthy diet and get lots of sleep.
  • Consult your doctor about future pregnancies and birth control.
  • An abortion can cause guilt, sadness or grief. Talk with a friend, a family member, a counselor, or a health professional for support.
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