Post Nasal Drip Medicine

Your body produces nose and throat mucus to help keep these areas moist and clean of bacteria and allergens. Even though it is constantly present, you don’t notice the mucus as it’s just a normal part of everyday life. You typically swallow it along with your salvia. However, when you are fighting an infection or allergies, it thickens and there is a lot more of it. When it drains down your throat in this altered state, you may experience coughing and a sore throat.

Post Nasal Drip Medicines

1. Steroid Nasal Sprays

Referred to as corticosteroid nasal sprays, these medications have to be prescribed. Currently, the sprays are considered the most effective medication for hay fever. There are several brands on the market such as Flonase, Rhinocort and Nasonex. Your doctor will determine which one would be best for you and your symptoms.

How it works: The sprays are an effective medicine for relieving inflammation of the nasal passages. By doing this, your nose opens up allowing for easier breathing and less mucus build up.

How to use: Administering nasal sprays is fairly easy. Typically, you only use it once a day unless directed otherwise. Possible side effects include sore throat or nosebleed.

2. Oral Steroids

Oral steroid medications come in two forms: tablets and syrups. Your doctor has several different options for prescription. Common brand names on the market include Pediapred, Medrol and Deltasone.

How do they work: Steroid medications work by reducing mucus production and swelling of your nasal passages. They can also be used in combination with other drugs to help relieve your symptoms faster. They are administered as a “burst”. A burst means you are prescribed a larger dose initially and each day the dosage is reduced. The period can span from two days to several weeks, depending on your condition.

Possible side effects: While taking oral steroids, you may have an increased appetite, joint pain, moodiness, fluid retention, increased blood sugar, potassium loss, acne, cramps and an upset stomach. These side effects typically disappear after you have finished the medication.

3. Antihistamines

Both prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines are used to provide relief to nasal congestion and work well as a post nasal drip medicine. They are often prescribed when you are suffering indoor, outdoor or food allergies. You can find it in several forms such as pills, nasal sprays, liquids and eye drops. Some prescription antihistamines are Clarinex, Optivar, Astepro and Xyzal. OTC antihistamines include Benadryl, Allegra, Zytec and Claritin.

How do they work: Antihistamines work by blocking histamines, which are released by your body when there is an allergic reaction. When these receptors are activated, you can suffer from hives, itchy eyes, congestion and a runny nose. When blocked, your allergic reactions are less severe, allowing you to get some relief and rest.

Possible side effects: Common side effects with antihistamine use include drowsiness, restlessness, dry mouth, confusion, nausea and trouble urinating. Do not operate any type of vehicle or motorized equipment while on these medications.

4. Decongestants

There are several types of decongestants, both prescribed and over-the-counter. You can find them in capsule, tablet, liquid, and spray form. They are very effective in reducing nasal congestion due to allergies, sinusitis, cold or flu and hay fever. Some brands on the market include Neo-Synephrine, Afrin, Sudafed, and Atrovent.

How do they work: Decongestants are an effective post nasal drip medicine because they shrink blood vessels, thus relieving the swelling of nasal airways and sinus tissue. They cause mucus to thin and drain more freely, as well as allow you to breathe easier. Nasal sprays work immediately but should only be used for a few days due to their addictiveness. The other forms take a little longer to become effective but can be used for longer period of time. Decongestants are often used in conjunction with other medications for common cold, allergies, rhinitis and sinusitis.

Possible side effects: Possible side effects from decongestant use include headache, fast heartbeat, dry nose or mouth, nausea, insomnia, restlessness and anxiety. Children under age of 6 should not use decongestants. Several other drugs can cause adverse reactions when taken with this medication. Make sure to inform your doctor and pharmacist on all the medications you are taking or recently discontinued.

5. Cromolyn Sodium (Nasalcrom)

When you are experiencing allergic reactions, your body often reacts with a runny nose, congested nasal passageways, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing. If your body has a lessened response due to the usage of cromolyn, your discomfort is minimized. This medication is known on the market as Gastrocrom and Nasalcrom.

How do they work: Cromolyn can be inhaled as a nasal spray or through a nebulizer. No matter the form, cromolyn works to reduce symptoms caused by hay fever, allergies and asthma by blocking histamine receptors. It can also be administered as eye drops to relieve eye symptoms such as red, watery and itchy eyes.

Possible side effects: If you are taking this medication, be aware of possible side effects including headache, diarrhea, wheezing, cough, nausea and dry throat. In eye drop form, cromolyn may cause eye irritation. Typically, these side effects will subside once you discontinue use.

6. Oral Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists

Leukotrienes cause your body to react when you come in touch with something you are allergic to. Receptor antagonists block adverse responses and thwart off your body’s reactions such as narrowing of nasal passages and mucus production. The two most common brands on the market are Accolate and Singulair.

How do they work: Oral leukotriene receptor antagonists work by preventing your body’s reactive response to allergic triggers and allergens. Taken in tablet or granule form, these medications help relieve watery eyes, sneezing, mucus build up, swollen and congested nasal passages, and coughing, and keep your airways open and help prevent sore throats, cough, irritability, sinusitis and other allergy symptoms.

Possible side effects: As with all medications, leukotriene antagonists may cause side effects including nervousness, stomach irritation, headache, nasal congestion and nausea.

7. Mucus Thinning Agents

Mucus thinning agents are effective post nasal drip medicines. They work to make nasal mucus thinner so that it can easily drain through the throat. Common market brands include Fenesin, Humibid and Organidin. By preventing mucus secretions from pooling in your throat, thinning agents prevent sore throat, cough and nasal congestion.

Possible side effects: Potentially dangerous side effects include salivary glands inflammation or rash. It is recommended that you stay hydrated while taking this medication, as well as avoid caffeine.

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