Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot, a fungal infection, begins between your toes and looks quite like jock itch and ringworm, but can be extremely uncomfortable. You are likely to develop it when you wear damp shoes and socks or engage in sporting activities in hot and humid conditions. You can treat your condition in many different ways, but an effective remedy is to use apple cider vinegar. Let's find out why and how ACV works.

A Systemic Guide on Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Athlete's Foot

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) reduces inflammation and pain caused by the condition, but at the same time, it helps clear the fungal infection that causes athlete's foot in the first place. To get maximum results, you should learn the correct way to use it. Here is a guide:

  • Opt for 5% vinegar with the 'mother'. The mother is actually a cloudy, brown film present in some bottles, which confirms that you are buying high quality vinegar.
  • Get a large bowl and add 2-4 cups of ACV to it. Add more if you cannot soak your feet fully into the solution. You can add some warm water to increase the volume. Just do not add too much water or it will dilute the vinegar to an extent that it will no longer be effective.
  • Wash your feet thoroughly, dry them off using a towel, and soak them in the solution. Be sure to wash your towel right after using it to dry off your feet.
  • Let your foot stay in the mixture and use a washcloth to scrub the infected spot in a gentle way. Do not try to be too harsh. You should feel serious burning at this stage, but if you feel uncomfortable, simply add some more water to the ACV solution.
  • Get your foot out of the solution after 10-30 minutes. Repeat the same twice a day for a week. After a week, continue to soak your foot in the ACV solution once a day for three more days. Be sure to dry your foot properly after you take it out of the solution.

If Only a Small Area Is Infected

In case your infected spot is small, you do not have to soak your entire foot in the ACV solution. You can simply apply vinegar directly to the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. You can also soak a washcloth into the solution and place it over your affected area for several minutes. Then, dip the washcloth back into the solution and repeat. Do it two times a day for at least 10 minutes at a time.


Whether you soak your foot into the solution or you apply ACV directly to the affected area, be sure to dry off your foot after the process and apply some moisturizer. Since apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, you really need something to protect your skin and keep it moist too.

Apple Cider Vinegar Combination for Athlete's Foot

You can always use apple cider vinegar for athlete's foot, and you can make it much more effective by combining with other nice things. Here are a few recommendations:

1.       Make Use of Oxymel

Oxymel is actually a combo of vinegar and honey. Be sure to use unprocessed honey for this remedy because it has powerful antifungal properties.

How: Take one part ACV and four parts honey. Mix them well and make a paste. Now, apply the paste on your affected and leave it there for 20 minutes. Then, wash it off gently and dry properly.

2.       Make a Solution of ACV and Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is effective because it also works as an antifungal. In fact, it is even stronger than ACV, which is why you should use it in moderation. It is better to alternate one day with hydrogen peroxide and the next with ACV.

How: Get 3% hydrogen peroxide and add some water in it to dilute it. You should use 1 part water and 2 parts hydrogen. You can dilute it further if you experience a burning sensation after applying it to your skin. Under no circumstances should you be mixing both hydrogen peroxide and vinegar to treat your athlete's foot. It can cause serious complications.

3.       Use Colloidal Silver for Better Effects

Colloidal silver at a strength of 100 parts per million has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can make use of it to accelerate recovery.

How: Soak your foot in the ACV solution first and then dry it off properly. Now, apply colloidal silver solution to all the affected areas. Air-dry the solution for the best results.

Other Remedies for Athlete's Foot

Using apple cider vinegar for athlete's foot has its benefits, but you can find many other natural remedies as well to treat your skin condition. Here are some other options to consider:

1.       Make Use of Crushed Garlic

Thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, fresh garlic cloves can always be used to deal with your skin conditions.

How: Take 3-4 garlic cloves and crush the garlic pods with the help of a spoon. Now, place those garlic pods between your toes and wear a pair of socks. Keep your foot elevated for a couple of hours. Be sure to remove the garlic pods after 3-4 hours. Repeat the same for a couple of days to clear the infection.

2.       Use Organic Corn Starch for Relief

The warm, humid conditions between your toes provide a perfect environment for fungi to grow. You can make it less suitable by using organic corn starch.

How: Simply sprinkle some organic starch between your toes to help soak up the excess moisture. This will keep the area dry and prevent an infection from developing.

3.       Use Aloe Vera Gel for Recovery

Aloe Vera gel contains Auxin and Gibberellins, two hormones that can accelerate the natural healing process.

How: Take freshly extracted gel and apply thickly on your affected areas. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes and then remove it using cold water. Stick to the remedy until the infection has cleared completely.

4.       Himalayan Rock Salt

Himalayan rock salt has potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, and is therefore effective against fungal and viral infections.

How: Take two tablespoons of the salt and add it to a bucket of lukewarm water. Now, soak your foot in this solution for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to pat dry your foot after the process.

5.       Make Use of Organic Ginger

The presence of a compound called caprylic acid gives ginger strong healing properties. You can make a ginger tonic to treat your athlete's foot.

How: Crush a slice of organic root ginger and put it in a cup of boiling hot water. Leave it there for 10 minutes and then let the mixture to cool down completely. Now, take a cotton ball, soak it in the solution, and then apply on your affected areas. Repeat until the infection clears.

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