How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Ulcers

Apple cider vinegar is distilled from apples and has very strong anti-bacterial and healing properties. Apple cider vinegar is a tried and trusted way for dealing with ulcers. The stomach ulcers are caused by a bacteria H. pylori and apple cider vinegar can very effectively kill these, thus helping to heal peptic ulcers. There are a lot of other health benefits associated with apple cider vinegar and it can remove many toxins from the body.

How to Apply Apple Cider Vinegar for Ulcers

1. Select the Right Type of Apple Cider Vinegar

For effective relief it is very important to choose the right type apple cider vinegar. The best and most effective apple cider vinegar is the variety made with organic apples and it should be free from any added chemicals or preservatives. Make sure that the bottle contains the white, stringy fermented material or the “mother”. This gelatinous substance is full of minerals, vitamins, good bacteria and enzymes. Its presence also indicates that the vinegar is not over processed.

2. Shake It Well Before Use

To evenly distribute the enzymes, minerals and other substances shake the bottle well before use. This will evenly distribute the gelatinous material or the “mother” and every drop will contain equal amount of goodness. Inspect the bottle after shaking to make sure that there is no residue at the bottom and the contents are properly mixed.

3. Drink the Right Amount

It is crucial to take apple cider vinegar for ulcers in the right quantity. Too much consumption can be harmful and too little can be ineffective. The best way is to start with two teaspoons of it daily. It is important to mix it with water or tea to prevent damage to teeth or mucus membranes of mouth. You can gradually increase the dose to two table spoon per day. This quantity is sufficient to treat stomach ulcers. If you have any other medical condition or are taking any medication, it is better to consult with your doctor before starting it.

4. Drink It Regularly

Every individual is unique and as some people get immediate relief from ulcer pain after a few doses of apple cider vinegar, some require longer duration of treatment. It is better to take it regularly and consistently to achieve the results. It is also a good idea to continue the treatment after getting relief to prevent re appearance of ulcers.

5. Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar Mixture

Another extremely effective way is to mix apple cider vinegar with some baking soda. Take a tea spoon of organic apple cider vinegar and add half teaspoon of baking soda. There will be some fizzing when you combine both of these. When it stops add a glass of water and drink it before meals for immediate relief.

Other Remedies That Work for Ulcers

Drinking apple cider vinegar for ulcers is not the only natural remedy that can provide relief. Here are a few more things you can try to heal peptic ulcers:

1.      Flavonoids


Flavonoids are known to protect the lining of gastrointestinal tract and can help to heal the stomach ulcers. They are found in many foods, and supplements are also available. There are no side effects of taking moderate amounts of flavonoids. Foods rich in flavonoids include:

  • Legumes
  • Soybeans
  • Kale
  • Red grapes
  • Apples 
  • Broccoli
  • Green tea and other teas
  • Berries

Note: Red wine and citrus fruits are rich in flavonoids but they can irritate the lining of the stomach and should be avoided.

2.      Probiotics


Fermented food and yogurt contains a lot of good bacteria which are known as probiotics. These play an important role in keeping the gastrointestinal tract healthy. Taking adequate amounts of probiotics can help to heal stomach ulcers by eradicating H. pylori.

Foods rich in probiotics are:

  • Yogurt
  • Buttermilk
  • Miso
  • Kimchi

3.      Honey


Besides apple cider vinegar for ulcers, honey can also help. Honey contains a lot of antioxidants and other nutrients. It speeds up healing and can be very effective to kill H. pylori due to its strong antibacterial properties. If you are not a diabetic, you can take as much honey as you want. It is better than refined or white sugar and can cure many diseases including stomach ulcers.

4.      Garlic


Latest research has confirmed that garlic extract can kill many bacteria including H. pylori. Taking a couple of garlic cloves every day is very beneficial and if you do not like the taste or the strong aroma, you can take garlic supplements. Excessive garlic intake can make your blood thin so be careful if you are already taking blood thinning medicines.

5.      Cranberry


Cranberry and cranberry juice are very effective to cure urinary tract infections. Its intake can also kill H. pylori. However, it is important to take the right amount of cranberry juice as drinking a lot can upset the stomach. Also be careful with commercially available cranberry juices as they contain lots of sugar. Drink a little cranberry juice first and gradually increase the amount to avoid any stomach discomfort. You can eat cranberries or take supplements if you do not like the taste of its juice.

6.      Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains

Fruit veg and whole grains

A healthy diet is essential to maintain optimal health. Eating a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains will provide many essential nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. These will speed up the healing process and once you develop a habit of healthy eating, you will start to feel better.

Polyphenols are anti-oxidants and are extremely effective to heal and prevent stomach ulcers. These are found in abundance in many herbs like dried rosemary and Mexican oregano. Other foods rich in these are black olives, blue berries and dark chocolate.

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