12 Easy Ways to Help You Close Mouth While Sleeping

If you sleep with your mouth open, you will wake up with a dry mouth and you will likely snore more. If you sleep with your mouth open, you may find it more difficult to breathe; this is especially true with those who have sleep apnea. This is because your tissues and tongue are likely to fall back and block your air when the mouth is open. It can be difficult to keep your mouth closed while you sleep because your jaw relaxes, causing your mouth to fall open. There are some strategies to help you sleep with mouth closed.


How to Sleep with Mouth Closed

Consider the following to stop mouth breathing:

1. Learn to Close Your Mouth When Sleeping

Your most powerful tool is your brain. You can use it’s potential to cure this problem. If you catch yourself breathing from your mouth during the day, then try to correct it and breath from your nose. Some people use notes on the phone for a reminder. Try to build the habit of breathing with your nose, work at keeping your mouth shut all the time and keeping a straight back, and shoulders relaxed.

There are many who breath through their mouth and have a forward-leaning posture. If you can, lift your head back and remember to breathe through your nose.

Before long, your brain will become conditioned to try and maintain the position. This can happen after prolonged repetition. Keep reminding yourself to close your mouth when you breathe.

2. Practice Exercises to Clear Your Nose

Many times, you have a hard time breathing through your nose because of congestion. If you feel nasal blockage, take a deep breath, simply to clear your nose. This is an exercise called ‘Buteyko’. This can be used to help different breathing problems. It may be your best breathing method. 

How to sleep with mouth closed? Try this exercise. While in a normal seated position, breathe from your nose with your mouth shut. Breathe in and use your fingers to press your nose closed. Then, for as long as possible, hold your breath in. When you can’t any longer, let it out slowly from your nostrils. Don’t forget to close your mouth during the exercise and repeat several times. To add more intensity, do the exercise while pacing or doing things about the house.

3. Elevate Your Head When Sleeping 

For those who breathe through their mouth, you may want to prop your head up while sleeping. This may be a simple solution to sleeping with your mouth closed. Poor sleeping positions can make snoring worse, particularly if it your mouth falls open. Try to sleep in a position that your head is slightly elevated above your body. Use adjustable mattresses or your pillow to do so. Your pillow can help keep your head in the correct position.

4. Adopt Proper Sleeping Positions

There are certain sleeping positions that make mouth breathing worse. Back sleeping is a position that isn’t good for those who breath from their mouth. Sleeping with your back to the bed you need to breathe heavier. This can be hard to do nasally, forcing you to breathe with your mouth. The soft plates and back of your tongue, collapses deep in your mouth. When you breathe, this makes vibrating sounds. Try sleeping on a side or sleeping on your stomach. This can also be good for back trouble.

5. Work Out

How to sleep with mouth closed? One way to stop mouth breathing is to exercise. Both cardio and yoga can help your breathing. This exercise involves intentional breathing and can help get you breathing out of your nostrils. There has also been research showing that those who are overweight, struggle with mouth breathing. Work to lose weight, improving your chances of breathing through your nose while breathing. Exercise is also good for your overall health.

6. Eliminate Allergens

For those who have any allergies, remove the problems from the bedroom. You may want to stop allowing your pet to sleep in your bed. You should also eliminate plants from where you sleep. At night, plants may use oxygen, emitting carbon dioxide. This can lead to lowered oxygen levels. Remove rugs and carpet from your bedroom. They lower air quality by harboring bacteria and dust. You want to change the sheets often, washing them with warm water and detergent.

Wash your blankets in warm, soapy water also. Also, if your blankets are overly warm, breathing through your nose may be difficult. Dusty or old pillows can also lead to mouth breathing. 

7. Tape Your Mouth

It may sound nuts, but mouth taping is effective to getting you to sleep with mouth closed. It is considered one of the best ways to stop mouth breathing.

This method has you tape your mouth shut to close it when you sleep. Use some cream and surgical tape. The cream will help keep tape removal painless. Smear the cream on, and place tape at the middle. Apply tape across, or vertically or apply longwise, or horizontally. This will keep your lips closed, keeping you breathing from the nose. Some may find this method uncomfortable.

8. Use Nasal Spray

How to sleep with mouth closed? Nasal sprays can aide your nose with moisture. This can help it keep from getting to congested, allowing you to breathe normally. These sprays help with decongesting, allowing you to sleep with your mouth closed.

9. Try Guards for Your Mouth

If you’re worried about keeping your mouth shut when sleeping, mouth guards can work for you. They are created to keep your mouth shut while you sleep.

There are many brands for you to choose from. Make sure to purchase one that is comfortable. Make sure the material is soft, to protect your gums. You may consider chin strips. The strips are cut into the shape of horse shoes. This can help stop you from mouth breathing and encourage breathing through your nose. This can also relieve snoring. You can use these in combination, or alone.

10. Consider a Head Scarf or Cap 

This is particularly useful for kids. Consider a cap with soft material for the chin. Make sure this doesn’t hurt your toddler’s skin. Also make sure it’s not too thick or warm, this could make your toddler fussy while he sleeps. Allow the child to cover his chin with the strap. This keeps the jaw steady, making mouth breathing difficult, which can result in nasal breathing.

11. Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and stress can be an actual reason for mouth breathing. If you finish a long work day, you are more likely to breathe through your mouth when sleeping because you are tired and breathing heavy. The University Hospital Southampton produced a document showing those who were anxious tended to have more difficulty breathing. For some, there were serious consequences. For those who breathe through their mouth, anxiety and stress can cause it. To reduce mouth breathing, stress causing conditions must be reduced. 

12. Eat Healthy

Many will tell you all health issues start with your gut and not your mouth. While there is some kidding to this, there is also some truth. Making sure you are getting a balanced diet to reduce your chance of obesity, will help you breathe at night. Extra weight puts more pressure on your nasal cavities and lungs. Keep your airways open, by keeping your weight stable. These are just a few options to help you sleep with your mouth closed. It can be difficult to kick the habit, especially since you don’t know when you do it.

It is good to take steps to kick the habit. This will help you get more restful sleep, producing a healthy and productive life.

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