Diet and Exercise for A Positive Blood Type

Even when everyone’s blood has the similar composition, still all blood doesn’t follow the strict similarities. Precisely speaking, there are eight different blood types which are categorized based on the absence or presence of certain substances that are responsible for triggering immune response when they appear as foreign to the body. These substances are called antigens. If you have got a positive blood type, this article will be quite helpful for you.

What Is A Positive Blood Type?

A blood test helps in detecting specific antigens present in the red blood cells. Type A cells carry ‘A antigen’ whereas type B cells carry ‘B antigen’. When a person has neither of the antigens he has a blood type that’s ‘O’. If both the antigens are present simultaneously, the person’s blood type becomes ‘AB’. If the Rh antigen is present in an individual, then he’s Rh+ (A+, B+, O+, AB+); if there’s no Rh antigen, then he is Rh- (A-, B-, O-, AB-).

1. A Positive Blood Type Inheritance

If both parents have A blood type or if one has A and the other has O, their children are likely to have O or A blood type. If the parents have AB and A blood type, their children are likely to have A, B, or AB blood type. If the parents have blood type A and B in conjunction, their children are likely to have AB, A, B, O blood type.

2. A Positive Blood Type and Receiving Blood

People with O-, O+, A-, A+ blood type can donate blood to people having A positive blood type. Type As can receive blood plasma from people having A-, A+, AB-, AB+ blood type. They can also donate blood to people who have AB or A blood type. The characteristic identification of type A blood is that it clots upon mixing with anti-A serum.  

3. A Positive Blood Type and Blood Donation

It’s estimated that 1 in every 3 people has A positive blood type. US blood banks have reported that many individuals with blood type A or O do not usually donate blood because they think these blood types are very common. However, these blood groups have more demand because they are very common. Blood donation for red blood cells can be made every 56 days and every 28 days for plasma.

Diet for A Positive Blood Type

People with this blood type should stick with a plant based and low fat diet. The blood type influences the sensitivity of every individual towards diseases of heart, cancer, diabetes and allergies. Sensitive type A’s must have their food in pure, fresh and organic state. Listed below are some dietary tips for people with A positive blood type.

1. Go for White Meat

Add plenty of white meat to your diet such as fish: mackerel, cod, red snapper, rainbow or sea trout and salmon. Poultry and chicken can be consumed twice per week. Avoid shellfish, game meats, pork and beef.

2. Avoid Dairy Products and Eggs

Cut off the dairy products from your diet. As a substitute you may use soy milk or rice. However, some individuals occasionally consume kefir, goat cheese or yogurt without really experiencing any health related issues.

3. Choose Certain Fruits and Vegetables

Try consuming organic and fresh fruits and veggies. Best veggies to opt for include escarole, kale, spinach, turnips, okra, onions and broccoli whereas the best fruits include grapefruit, plums, blueberries, figs, cherries and pineapple. Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, cabbage, oranges and bananas.

4. Have Sprouted Wheat Instead of Wheat Flour

It is recommended to opt for rye flour, oat, rice, amaranth or buckwheat, sprouted wheat and cereals like kasha. Avoid all sorts of wheat or white flour and semolina pasta. You may add millet, quinoa, couscous, barley, rice and corn in your twice a week.

5. Nuts, Seeds, Beans and Legumes

Add legumes and beans like lentil, pinto beans, black beans, soybeans, black eyed peas, peanut and pumpkin seeds. Keep away from kidney, garbanzo, red or navy beans, cashews and pistachios.

6. Select Certain Fats and Seasonings

For cooking and eating purpose, use flaxseed or olive oil. Canola or cod liver oil may be used occasionally. Select seasonings like tamari, mustard, ginger, miso and soy sauce. Avoid safflower and sesame oil, peanut, corn, pepper, mayonnaise, ketchup and vinegar.

Stress Management and Exercise for A Positive Blood Type

People with blood type A have elevated level of cortisol, a hormone whose production increases even further under stressful conditions. It is released usually around 6 to 8 AM. Additional stress may manifest in the ways of disturbed sleep cycle, daytime brain fog, viscous blood, muscle loss and fat gain. To balance the cortisol levels, go easy on alcohol, caffeine and sugar. To stabilize the blood sugar, eat small frequent meals and avoid skipping meals, particularly breakfast.

Elevation in cortisol level may be due to smoking, crowd, loud noise, strong smells and lack of sleep. Exercise, when added to the lifestyle and followed on a regular basis, may help in lowering the overall levels of cortisol. Recommended exercises may include: deep breathing exercise, meditation, Tai chi, hathayoga. A word of caution, avoid overtraining as it may further increase the cortisone level.