Allergies and Body Aches

When an allergen hits your body it goes into action. It sees the foreign invader and launches a battle against it. Allergen goes in, white blood cells rush to get rid of it. Allergies and body aches can go hand in hand if you are severely allergic to things in the environment, or even a little allergic. There are also other syndromes that can come into play when your immune system is activated. It is also confusing to tell whether you have allergies or cold/flu symptoms. This article will help you understand how this all works.

What Causes Allergies Body Aches?

When you are allergic to something your body thinks it is sick. You can experience the very same symptoms as a virus, cold, or flu. Not only do allergies cause a runny nose or sneezing, allergies and body aches also go hand in hand.

The Immune System Is Kind of "Funny"

You may actually have been exposed to a virus, either cold or flu and that is what is causing body aches. When you have allergies and body aches, you may have also been exposed to a "trigger." Triggers can set off your immune system and make you feel achy and tired, the same as with a virus. The body aches are a sign your body is fighting something off.

This can all be a bit confusing, so here is a handy chart to see the very subtle differences:

Allergies vs. Infection





Body Aches




Low-Grade Fever <100.4





Fever >100.4












Runny/Stuffy Nose




Your doctor is the best person to help you tell the difference and treat what you have appropriately.

Other Hidden Problems from Allergies

When you have allergies, you may only feel a bit congested or sneeze some. You may have some occasional body aches, and you can even run low-grade fevers. However, there are some allergy sufferers that experience a host of other issues from migraines, mood swings, chronic yeast infections, and very chronic fatigue. Researchers are actually linking some of the following health issues to possible allergens that “trigger” an immune system or allergic reaction:

1.    Depression

Allergies can cause depression and mood swings. Allergic reactions can make you tired, irritable, and have pain all over your body. There may also be depression that is associated with having to miss outdoor activities during seasonal allergy times and omitting any offending foods from the diet that you once loved. Allergies and body aches with depression may also be due to the actual immune system reaction going on in your body.

Doctors are now finding that depression as a result of allergies is better managed by treating the underlying cause, the allergies. People who have severe allergies and depression often fail anti-depressant treatment and respond much better to allergy treatment.

2.    Migraine Headaches

If you have chronic migraines, it could be an allergy. Many people are finding that they have obvious migraine “triggers” and there are certain environmental or food causes prior to getting a migraine.

Once your doctor has ruled out other causes of migraine such as hormones, blood sugar changes, vision problems, or stress, it might be a good idea to check for allergies. This is because allergens trigger inflammation and sinus inflammation is a major cause of headaches.

Possible triggers: When you have inflammation in your body, it tends to release certain chemicals in the immune cells that go straight to the blood vessels in your facial and head regions. Things that may trigger this chemical release include certain allergens like:

  • Coffee
  • Dark Cola drinks
  • Tomatoes
  • Citrus foods
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Grains
  • Sugar
  • Chocolate

To check for this, your doctor will have you do an elimination diet and stop eating any of these foods for a week. Then you will add them back into your diet one at a time. You will note which ones give you a migraine and you will have found your "trigger."

3.    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

People who have daily fatigue for months at a time may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Researchers are still looking for the exact causes, but suspect that some cases may be hidden allergies. Allergies and body aches can go with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Studies do show that more often than not, people with chronic fatigue syndrome have allergies to certain things. It may be helpful to get formal allergy testing and begin treatment for allergies.

4.    Chronic Yeast Infections

Not many people know this, but yeast is an allergen just like mold. Yeast attaches to the inside of your intestines and burrows into the walls. Through the tiny holes it makes, it releases toxins into your gut that our bodies are highly allergic to. This becomes a vicious cycle for our bodies constantly fighting off the yeast. Integrative medicine doctors are now having people eat a healthy diet low in sugar and carbohydrates to stop feeding the yeast in their bodies. This helps lower the yeast levels and reduces allergic reactions to the toxins.

What can be done:

  • Avoid foods containing any yeast, includingbaked goods with yeast, beer, brewer’s yeast, and yeast spreads.
  • Avoid processed sugar – Even try to avoid natural fruit sugars the first few weeks until the yeast count drops.
  • Use a good probiotic – This helps balance the body with good bacteria that feed on the yeast and keep levels down.

5.    Joint Pain

If you suffer from allergies and body aches along with joint pain, you may have an allergic condition that actually mimics arthritis. This is because widespread inflammation from an allergic reaction can reach far into your joints.

The good news about this type is that the arthritis symptoms usually stop after the offending substance is taken away. It is especially common with an allergy to a certain food and antibiotic use.

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