How to Effectively Combat Sleepness When You Study

It’s pretty common how people spend additional hours on studying, especially when the exams are just around the corner. Sometimes sleep is inevitable once we open the textbooks. People are more likely to feel sleepy during two periods, one is from midnight to 7 am and the other is from 1 to 4 pm. It mainly happens when you are deprived of rest. Sleeping while studying is too easy, the real deal is to ditch sleep and stay awake.

How to Avoid Sleep While Studying by School Tricks

1. Switch the Lights On

Don’t even think about studying in just the lamplight at night. It obviously promotes a comfy environment as a significant portion of the room remains dark. Not to mention the empty bed staring at you in the dark room. In no time you’ll find yourself diving in and falling asleep.

2. Sit in Front of a Table

Seat yourself in a chair with back support, right in front of a study table. Lying back and studying in bed might make you feel lazy and eventually fall asleep.

3. No Heavy Meals

Lethargy diminishes retention power as a result of excess food consumption. You don’t have to go on a starvation mission to avoid lethargy. Take your meals early and opt for small meals if you are wondering how to avoid sleep while studying.

4. Don’t Use a Table Fan

Table fans are responsible for inducing sleep. If your room lacks a ceiling fan, place the table fan at a distance so it doesn’t blow the wind in the direction of your face.

5. Drink More Water

Drinking plenty of water will earn you frequent trips to the bathroom to pee. And thus you have more chances of staying awake. Not exactly a perfect solution, but it has worked countless times in crunch situations.

6. Move Around in Your Room

The moment you start feeling sleepy, get up from your chair and move around in your room. Some people often find it helpful to study while walking, not only does it help in avoiding the sleep, also it enhances concentration.

7. Read out Aloud While Studying

Reading aloud minimizes the chances of falling asleep while studying. It has something to do with listening to your own voice.

8. Other Tricks to Keep You Awake

If studying makes you sleepy, switch to a topic that is more interesting. Take short breaks to keep your mind fresh and well rested. The best thing that you can do avoid falling asleep is to study in a group.

How to Avoid Sleep While Studying By Changing Lifestyle

1. Adjust Your Caffeine Intake

Going all ninja on coffee (more than 3 cups a day) won’t really give you tons of energy and drinking it after 12 in the afternoon only aggravates your night time sleep. Cut your excessive caffeine intake and limit it to 3 or less cups per day so you could get maximum energy without experiencing high-strung side effects.

2. Take a Short Nap

Napping for hours can bring in irregular sleep cycle and you may be sleep deprived at night. However, taking a short nap after lunch makes you stay refreshed and energetic. Ideally a 20-minute nap is enough to kick start your system all over again.

3. Do Light Exercise Regularly

A regular 30-minute exercise will benefit your sleep and energy level. Exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, promotes easy and sound sleep. Doing exercise outdoors in daylight positively influences your sleep patterns, according to the sleep experts. It also keeps you active throughout the day and you may find yourself thinking sharply and quickly.

4. Get Adequate Nighttime Sleep

Now you know how to avoid sleep while studying, but you also need to remember that the key problem of fatigue is the lack of sleep. The first rule for a healthy functioning body is getting adequate nighttime sleep. Adults require 7-9 hours of sleep whereas teens need straight 9 hours. Adequate nighttime sleep is mandatory, so keep your daily routine in a way that you don’t block your 8-9 hours of nighttime sleep. 

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