How to Raise Your Blood Pressure

It is a general idea among people that high blood pressure causes problems, but hardly anybody knows that low blood pressure can cause problems too. Normal blood pressure is between 120/80 and 90/60, so you are suffering from low blood pressure if your value is less than 90/60. Low blood pressure, also called hypotension, can cause problems in your circulatory system because of the less pressure, like insufficient blood flow to the brain and other organs of the body.

How to Raise Your Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure can be caused by many reasons like blood loss, heart problem, pregnancy, severe infections or dehydration. Once you are aware that you have low blood pressure, you should raise your blood pressure for a healthy life.

1. Get Enough Water

Low blood pressure can be increased by increasing your water intake. An ideal quantity of water intake should be at least 8 to 10 8-ounce cups of water. In case you are exercising or you tend to spend more time outdoors, increase the water intake accordingly. Most healthy drinks contain electrolytes which are also helpful in raising blood pressure.

2. Add More Salt into Your Diet

Increasing your salt intake increases your blood volume which, in turn, raises your blood pressure. Foods like canned food, processed food contain more salt and can be helpful in raising blood pressure.

Your physician can guide you on how to go about it because this kinds of foods are not that healthy and may cause other problems if consume too much.

3. Have Small, Frequent Meals

Instead of having a couple of large meals in a day, having frequent smaller meals helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar. Healthy meals should be low in carbohydrates. Eat whole grains like oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, etc. Avoid refined flour, white bread and pasta.

4. Maintain Balanced Diet

A healthy, well balanced diet is equally important to regulate your blood pressure, which should include lean meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, and whole grains. Although heavily processed food contains more salt, they are unhealthy because they are high in sugar and fat. Increasing your consumption of B12 and folate will improve circulation and, in turn, raise your blood pressure. B12 can be found in dairy products while folate is found in dark green vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, etc.

5. Use Natural Herbal Remedies

Would you like to know how to raise your blood pressure with natural herbal remedies? Some herbs like aniseed and rosemary are known to help reduce the effects of low blood pressure. It is better to consult your doctor before you use natural herbal supplements. However some commonly found ingredients in your kitchen like ginger, cinnamon and pepper are known to lower blood pressure, so do not use any herbal supplements that contain these ingredients.

6. Do Exercise Regularly

To remain healthy, everyone should exercise regularly. Exercising helps regulate blood flow. A regular 20 minute brisk walk will do wonders on your mental and physical health. But avoid heavy lifts in your exercise schedule if your blood pressure has not normalized as it can cause injury.

7. Try Compression Stocking

Low grade compression stockings are generally recommended to be worn on a daily basis as they help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling and collecting of blood in the lower body.

8. Change Adverse Lifestyles

A few simple, adverse changes in your lifestyle will help in solving how to raise your blood pressure like:

  • Reducing consumption of alcohol because drinking alcohol causes dehydration.
  • Drinking caffeine increases your blood pressure as caffeine constricts blood vessels.
  • Changing body positions slowly to avoid dizziness.
  • Do not cross legs while sitting because it can restrict blood circulation. So sit comfortably by resting your knees by positioning it at hip width.
  • Long and hot showers should be avoided as they expand blood vessels, further lowing blood pressure and making you dizzy or faint. So go in for a warm, shot shower instead. It is best to avoid spas and tubs with hot water.
  • Sleeping with your head elevated helps. You can do this by placing bricks under the head of the bed.
  • Lifting of heavy things should be avoided.
  • Do not strain while you are sitting in the toilet.
  • Reduce eating carbohydrates and a good rest is recommended after eating.

Seek Medical Help

Low blood pressure should be resolved with medical help if it interferes with your daily life. You should know when to see a doctor and which medical options available.

You need medical help if you frequently experience any of the symptoms like dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, fatigue, depression, lack of concentration, pale cold skin, thirst and rapid shallow breathing. Your doctor will then guide you on how to go about it.

Medical Treatment Options

When home remedies fail, you should know how to raise your blood pressure with medical procedures. Here are 4 main solutions you can try.

  1. Examine your medication: If you are currently on some medications, ask your doctor if any of the medicines are lowering your blood pressure; if so, ask for a change in the medication. For example, blood thinners can affect blood circulation, resulting low blood pressure.
  2. If nothing works, get the right medication: Generally medicines are not prescribed for people with low blood pressure because the necessary lifestyle and diet changes help in raising blood pressure. When this does not help, medicines like fludrocortisone and midodrine are prescribed to help increase the blood pressure.
  3. Test for underlying disease: In spite of all the measures, if you still have some problems, ask your doctor to check for other possible undetected medical problems that you may have.
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