How to Stop Eye Twitching

Just about everyone has had the experience of their eye twitching for several seconds to several minutes. This involuntary movement can recur or be a one-time only occurrence. The eyelid begins to spasm or blink in an uncontrollable manner and sometimes it involves more than just the upper lid. Called blepharospasm, eye twitching can occur in one or both eyes. While it is considered to be normal and not an issue to worry about anyone who has experienced it wants to know how to stop eye twitching as it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. This brief guide will help you learn more about blepharospasms and how to bring it under control.

Why Does My Eye Twitch?

If you want to know how to stop eye twitching, you must first know why it happens. There is no cause identified for eye twitching, but several causes are considered to be possible and it can be a sign of a more serious illness.

Light Twitching

For most cases, it is thought that fatigue, caffeine and stress play a major role. This type of eye twitch is benign and clears up on its own. This doesn't make it any less annoying to the person especially if the twitch is strong enough to make the eye lid fully close and open. It can interfere with vision and cause headaches or migraines too.

More Severe Twitching

In rare cases eye twitching can be symptomatic of a larger problem. Severe cases mean that the twitch has become chronic and often involves squinting or winking too. This can lead to more severe vision impairment as you cannot control keeping your eyelids open. In these rare cases, your doctor may evaluate you for the following conditions that eye twitching can be a symptom of:

  • Infection or inflammation of the eyelid
  • Lack of eye moisture
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Conjunctivitis

Chronic eye twitching can also indicate the presence of a neurological or nervous disorder. Eye twitching has been associated with:

  • Tourette's
  • Bell's palsy
  • Parkinson's
  • Dystonia

It is also important to note that when you are pursuing how to stop eye twitching that you look towards your medications too. Eye twitching can be a side effect of some medications. Most notably the medications associated with the treatment of psychosis or epilepsy.

How to Stop Eye Twitching

Fortunately, when you start to look for solutions to stop eye twitching you will find that the recommended methods are mostly natural.

1. Supplements

Science has discovered that nutritional supplements can do more than just help you achieve overall good health, they can also help to control certain symptoms. Studies have found that potassium, calcium and magnesium supplementation can all help to control or eliminate eye twitching.


How It Helps


Potassium plays an important role in regulating muscles and is used to control or prevent spasms, twitching and cramping in the body.


While known as a vital ingredient for healthy bones, calcium also helps to maintain the nervous systems. By boosting the way neurotransmitters work it can help to stop eye twitching.


Magnesium is one of the vital nutrients that the body needs and it helps to promote healthy nerve functioning through strengthening the body's nerve impulse system.

2. Create Tears to Relax the Eye

When you feel the eye twitch begin, start to blink very hard. Clench your eye shut and then open it as wide as you can. Repeat this until tears begin to form. Tears are a natural response to eye strain. Keep blinking to spread the tears evenly over your eye and the tears will help to stop the eye twitch. It is thought that the composition of the tears helps to relax the muscles around the eyes.

3. Give Yourself an Eye Massage

Wash your hands first before attempting this remedy. Using the index and middle finger press the lower eyelid gently in and then move the fingers in a small, circular motion to massage the muscle. This will help to relax the muscle. Do not rub the upper eyelid as that will irritate the entire eye.

4. Do Eye Exercises

The eye is a muscle and like all muscles it can be exercised. Exercising a muscle helps to keep its nutrient levels and waste toxins in balance. All you have to do is to blink them shut and hold them shut for 1 minute. During this time, squeeze eyes then release and repeat this for about 3 times before opening. The action will also produce tears that will help to nurture and care for your eye.

5. Use Hot and Cold Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy means water therapy and you can use it to relax your eye muscles. You can use running water for both the hot and cold actions, but it can be easier to do it with an ice cube. Rub an ice cube over your closed eye and then wash the eye with warm water. The cold constricted the blood vessels in the eye and the heat opens them up. This allows for a flushing of the eye muscle and nerves to renew its nutrient balance too.

6. Lifestyle Changes Can Help

You may also benefit from making some lifestyle changes. When you are looking for ways for how to stop eye twitching, try the simplest methods first. This includes reducing the amount of caffeine you are drinking, increasing your water intake and getting a good night's sleep. All of this helps to reduce or eliminate the causes associated with most eye twitching.

7. Other Things You Can Try

  • ŸDo a full facial massage: Gently massage the entire face with small circular motions to relax all the muscles of the face and eye.
  • ŸUse eye drops to keep the eye moist: Follow the directions on the label to help reduce the strain the eye muscle may feel under.
  • ŸEliminate stress: Stress has been identified as a contributing cause of eye twitching. Work to reduce your stress by practicing relaxation breathing, doing yoga, meditation or engaging in prayer – anything that lowers your heart rate and increases well-being.

When to Seek Medical Help

Finding out ways for how to stop eye twitching can help you take care of the problem yourself, but you should see a doctor if the twitching continues for more than a week. Persistent eye twitching can indicate the presence of an infection, or be a symptom of a neurological problem. If your face or eye is also swollen, or there is twitching in other parts of your face contact a doctor as soon as possible to eliminate other causes.

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