Itchy Skin Around Eyes

Dealing with itchy skin is never easy – it can be annoying and even alarming sometimes. So many things can cause the itching and it is important to ensure that the irritation does not affect other parts of the body. You are more likely to develop the itching on areas that have thin skin, such as the skin around the eyes. Itching around the eyes could be the result of an allergic reaction or something more serious. Let's find out more about it.

Why Do You Have Itchy Skin Around Eyes?

Itching around the eyes is a common problem for many people. It sometimes happens when the weather is changing but you may also have an allergic reaction that causes irritation and itching around eyes. An irritant can get into the eye and cause itching and irritation. You may also develop itching in this area when your eyelash constantly pokes the eye, you have dirt in your eyes, or you have an underlying illness. Other causes include:

1. Blepharitis

Blepharitis or the infection of the eyelids is a common condition that causes ocular redness, burning, itching, and irritation. Some people may also have a discharge in the morning with a scratchy and tearing sensation. Temporary blurred vision is also a common complication of Blepharitis. You develop this infection when bacteria grow excessively at the edge of your eyelids. Oil secretions and exfoliated skin support the survival of bacteria needed to keep your eyes healthy, but overgrowth can cause problems, such as Blepharitis.

2. Ocular Allergy

Several environmental changes can lead to ocular allergy and cause symptoms such as redness, itching, swelling, eyelid matting in the morning, and mucoid discharge. Some people develop these symptoms when they develop pollen allergies or hay fever – a runny nose and congestion are also common in this situation. Oral antihistamines usually help relieve the symptoms of ocular allergy, and you can also find OTC allergy eye drops to treat your symptoms.

Keep in mind that you can also develop allergies because of make-up applied close to the eyelids. Moreover, the itchy skin around eyes could be the result of an allergic reaction caused by eye medications, contact lens solution, glaucoma eye drops, and antibiotics.

3. Phlyctenulosis

When left untreated, Blepharitis may turn into Phlyctenulosis that affects the cornea and conjunctiva. It happens when bacteria liberate toxins and infect the tear layer in the eyes. This leads to the development of an allergic reaction on the conjunctiva and cornea. The most common symptoms of Phlyctenulosis include ocular redness, tearing, burning, and severe itching. Every time you blink the eye, it feels as if there is something in it. You may even notice a white spot near the edge of the cornea, which happens due to a sterile breakdown of the corneal surface.

4. Other Causes

You may also end up dealing with itchy skin around eyes due to many other problems. For instance, your itching and lid swelling could be due to conjunctivitis or contact lens problems. It could be medication toxicity or you may have a condition called dry eye. Moreover, a condition that causes tearing is more likely to cause itching as well.

What to Do About It?

It is not easy to deal with itchy eyes mainly because the problem could be the result of so many conditions. The best thing is to take preventive measures and avoid getting itchy eyes in the first place. Here are some steps to take:

  • Keep the area around your eyes clean and hygienic.
  • Think twice before applying any new make-up product or anything else to your eyes.
  • Check the shelf life of make-up and other eye products to avoid an allergic reaction.
  • Keep your contact lenses clean and fresh because old lenses can irritate the eyes.
  • Limit exposure to allergens and clean your bed linens regularly to avoid having an allergic reaction.

Check with your dermatologist if you develop itchiness around the eyes and fail to pinpoint what have caused it in the first place.

Home Remedies to Relieve Itchiness

In case you have mild itchy skin around eyes, you can always try some home remedies to resolve the issue. Here are some recommendations.

1. Try Cold Compresses

You can apply cold compresses around your eye to relieve itchiness. It also works great to reduce any inflammation and irritation.

Soak a cloth in ice-cold water and place it over your affected eye or take some used chamomile teabags and put them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Place those bags over your affected eye for at least 10 minutes for relief.

2. Use Cucumber

Thanks to their anti-irritation properties, cucumbers can really help reduce puffiness, inflammation, irritation, and swelling that lead to itchy eyes.

Take a cucumber and wash it thoroughly. Cut thin slices and put them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Place those chilled slices over your eyes for 10 minutes. Repeat the same at least four times a day for relief.

3. Cold Milk

One of the simplest home remedies for itchy skin around eyes is milk. Take a cotton ball and dab it in cold milk. Now, rub it around your eyes for some time. You can also soak a cotton ball in cold milk and use it as a compress to relieve itchiness. Repeat twice a day.

4. Water and Salt

A saline solution can help treat itchy, painful eyes, especially when used as an eye rinse. It helps wash away the dirt or debris collected in your eyes. It is also beneficial against bacterial infections.

Add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of distilled water and boil it for some time. Let it cool down and then use it to flush the eyes. Repeat the same several times a day for 2-3 days.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is quite beneficial for your eyes. Not only does it offer relief from itchy eyes but it also soothes your eyes. It also helps relieve inflammation.

Take a cup of distilled water and boil two green teabags in it. Once cooled off, use the solution to flush the eyes twice a day. 

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