How to Use Flax Seeds

Flaxseeds, also called linseeds, are a type of grain that has been cultivated for many thousands of years, which is still used in recipes to this day. And you can just buy this superfood at health food stores or supermarket. As a healthy option, flaxseeds can lessen your risk of getting many types of diseases. With kind of nutty flavor, flaxseeds can be used in either savory or sweet types of foods. Knowing wise usages of flaxseeds help you incorporate them as part of a healthy diet.

How to Use Flax Seeds

1. Ground Flax Seeds or Whole Flax Seeds?

Flaxseeds can be used in ground or whole form. However, whole flaxseeds aren't as good for you as the ground variety, because they pass right through the GI tract without being digested. Ground flaxseeds, on the other hand, will digest quite easily and will provide you with protein, omega 3 fatty acids and healthy dietary fiber. Wonder how to use flax seeds in ground? Just put the flax seeds in your coffee grinder. When adding it to your diet, you'd better eat that with some type of liquid, otherwise the intestines might obstruct if you don't eat it with enough liquids.

Alternatively, you can buy the ground variety, which is often labeled "flaxseed flour", "milled flax", or "flaxseed meal". You can also take in pills containing flax oil or ground flaxseeds. The oil, however, doesn't contain the fiber and protein you'll find in ground flaxseeds.

2. Recommended Daily Amount of Flax Seeds

Experts recommend that you take in about a tablespoon per day of ground flaxseeds, while kids should have no more than a quarter teaspoon of the substance. Considering the high content in flaxseeds, you can start out taking flaxseeds with a little bit for the first time, and then gradually increase the amount. As for the calories, each tablespoon of ground seeds contains 36 calories and each tablespoon of whole seeds contains 50 calories.

3. Sprinkle Flax Seeds on Cereal or Yogurt

Flaxseeds in ground form can also be added to other healthy foods. You can add flaxseeds to sugar-free cereals or nonfat yogurt. It is also a good idea to sprinkle onto hot oatmeal, as they add a nice nutty flavor and healthy benefits.

4. Soak the Grounded Flax Seeds and Add into Smoothies

Try soaking ground flaxseeds before putting them in a juice or smoothie as they will have a softer and chewier texture. In order to use flaxseeds this way, you need to submerge a teaspoon of seeds in just enough water, and soak them overnight for the best effect. Then how to use flax seeds after they have been soaked—just stir them into a juice or smoothie made out of either vegetables or fruits.

5. Put Toasted Flax Seed into Soups and Salads

Use toasted, ground flaxseeds by putting them in the oven on a baking sheet or putting them in a toaster oven. You need to make sure they don't burn, so watch them carefully. Then just add them to soups and salads to provide a nutty and crunchy flavor.

6. Bake Flaxseeds into Cakes, Cookies and Muffins

One answer to how to use flax seeds is to add them to cakes, cookies or muffins. They provide moisture to these products and are healthy for you. One good recipe involves taking one-fourth teaspoon of flaxseeds, ½ tsp of Stevia, ½ tsp of baking powder, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of coconut oil and an egg, mixing them all together. Then microwave them in a bowl/mug at a high setting. Frozen blueberries or strawberries can be added for extra flavor. If fruit is added, be sure to put the microwave on for 1.5 minutes at a high setting. Enjoy this with a tiny bit of butter on top.

Storage of Flax Seed

Now that you know how to use flax seeds, you need to know how best to store them. Keep them refrigerated or freeze them to keep them fresh, otherwise they can spoil easily due to the fatty acids content. As for the container, keep them in an airtight container of some sorts after you open the bag, whether they are whole or ground seeds. If you purchase bulk flax seeds, freeze them in the freezer in an air-locked container, except for the open bag which can be refrigerated so you have easy access to them.

Benefits of Flax Seeds

You may better understand about how to use flax seeds with knowing the benefits of flax seeds. Here we list some below:

  • Decrease blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Flaxseeds are high in soluble fiber that decreases the absorption of blood glucose and cholesterol levels in the gut. This decreases the risk of cholesterol plaques that block the arteries to the heart and brain, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Dietary fiber in flaxseeds will decrease blood glucose levels, especially in those who are suffering from diabetes.
  • Decrease bone loss.There is a study done of rats with diabetes, showing thatthe bone loss process is slowed down on ratswhen feed them ground flaxseeds. It is believed to be due to high level of fatty acids in flax seeds.
  • Reduce weight. Because flax seeds swell when you eat them, you will feel fuller after eating them. Try taking flaxseed a half hour before your meal to decrease the appetite.
  • As a digestive aid. The dietary fiber in flaxseeds can decrease the rate of constipation and can keep the bowels moving more regularly.
  • Improve the immune system. Flaxseeds have been found to lessen the amount of inflammation in the body, which means that the immune system works better. Research has shown that the fatty acid ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) in flaxseeds decrease the chances of having inflammatory disorders or autoimmune disorders, including lupus, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Decrease the rate of cancer. Research done on flaxseeds have shown it to be beneficial in fighting cancer, especially colon cancer and breast cancer due to the lignans content which slows the rate of tumor growth.


In addition to the issue about how to use flax seeds, some cautions should also be noted when using flax seeds. While the omega 3 oils are especially beneficial and they are good for the health of the colon, for people who suffer from ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, flaxseeds can act as a laxative and shouldn't be used.People who are breastfeeding or pregnant shouldn't eat flaxseeds, nor should women who have endometriosis, polycystic ovarian disease, or fibroid tumors on the uterus.Men who have a higher risk of getting prostate cancer should not eat flaxseeds either. If you have any questions about eating flax seeds, talk to your doctor before starting to take them.

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