Does Marijuana Count as a Depressant?

Marijuana has many names, such as weed, pot, cannabis and ganja. It is usually smoked, but it can also be vaporized or ingested. There are 3 common forms of cannabis: the dried plant, known as weed, often smoked in pipes, bongs or joints; hashish, the dried plant resin that is often mixed with tobacco and smoked, or added to foods, such as brownies and baked; hash oil, liquid extract of the plant, often ingested or smoked. Marijuana has many effects on a user, some of which are relatable to that of depressants, so, does marijuana count as a depressant? Continue reading to find out.

Is Marijuana a Depressant?

Although marijuana is often classified as a mild psychedelic drug, the active ingredients within marijuana do have many depressant effects. Therefore, marijuana can be classified as a depressant.

Among the hundreds of chemicals in marijuana plant, the main active ingredients are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which are studied most. Those who consume marijuana can experience muscle relaxation, tiredness, decreased alertness and sedation, all of which are similar to the effects of depressants.

Can Marijuana Cause Depression?

According to Mayo Clinic, although there is no clear connection between the use of marijuana and becoming depressed, some studies have shown a correlation in marijuana use and diagnosed depression. Many factors can cause depression, and it is possible for those feeling depressed to use marijuana in an attempt to null their negative feelings and emotions. It may also be possible for a person to appear depressed whilst on marijuana, because of the dulling effects of the drug.

What Are Other Risks of Using Marijuana?

Since you have known the answer to "Is marijuana a depressant?", now let's look at some other risks marijuana use can bring you. Marijuana can affect users differently, and not everyone experiences the same effects even when consuming the same strain. Here are 4 risks you may have when using marijuana.

  • The common thought of cannabis is that it's a gateway drug, meaning the use of cannabis will lead to the use of harder drugs, although it is still inconclusive in its research and lacks solid evidence.
  • Marijuana is addictive. Around 10% of users who have smoked cannabis in the US have become dependent on the substance.
  • According to Wed MD, There is an increase in tetrahydrocannabinol or THC levels in marijuana from only up to 4% to 7%. Even for state-regulated, legal marijuana, it is still hard to detect the levels of THC and other compounds in it.
  • Heavy use of marijuana can cause low testosterone levels and a reduced sperm count in men.
  • Marijuana can worsen some mental illnesses, like anxiety, depression, short-term psychosis, suicidal thoughts and schizophrenia.

Is marijuana a depressant? You already know the answer. Here are some other side effects of marijuana use:

Sore throat

Dry mouth



Mood swings

Blurry vision

Reduced libido


Memory loss

Increased heartrate

Lowered fertility

Increased tolerance

Reduced reflexes

Low blood pressure

Quiet/reflective mood

Paranoia or anxiety

Trouble concentrating

Difficulty learning

Feelings of relaxation

Seeing or hearing things

Increased susceptibility to cold/flu

Excessive and spontaneous laughter

Increased feeling of hunger

Dependence on the substance

Cancer (if smoked with tobacco)

Inability to work, take care of your finances, or interact socially

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