Is Soy Milk Good for You?

People have different opinions about soymilk. Some say it is no less than a super-food, while others believe it is nothing more than a hormone disrupting poison. Interestingly, there are arguments on both sides, which make things even more confusing. However, you can find many different brands of soymilk like Silk, which is quite popular with vegans, vegetarians, and people who have lactose intolerance. So, is soymilk good for you? Read on to figure out your answer and other concerns regarding on soy milk.

Nutritional Facts of Soy Milk

Before trying to figure out is soy milk good for you, let's first get clear about the nutrition values of 1 cup of soy milk, around 243 g.


Amount and Values


4.3 g


0 mg


124 mg


287 mg

Total carbohydrates



8 g


8% of daily values


15% of daily values

Vitamin B-6

10% of daily values

Note: The daily percentage is calculated according to 2,000 calories diet.

Is Soy Milk Good for You?

The truth is that soymilk contains loads of nutrients, but it is also a fact that it may not be the right choice for everyone.It is therefore difficult to answer this question directly; however, it is important to point out that there are many health concerns associated with the use of soymilk. Here is more about soymilk to help you decide if you should really be enjoying soymilk or not.

1. Does Soy Cause Breast Cancer?

Some people believe that soy can cause breast cancer, which is associated with excess estrogen exposure. Since soy contains isoflavones, which bind to estrogen receptors, it can increase the levels of estrogen in the body. However, it is also important to note that plant-based estrogen is less strong as compared to animal-based estrogen. Therefore, you cannot always associate it with breast cancer; in fact, some experts believe that isoflavones actually also help regulate cell growth, which in turn protects you from different cancer types. Several studies conducted on Asian populations show that eating soy is linked with lower rates of breast cancer.

2. Is Soy Bad for Thyroid?

It is a common misconception because in reality, soy does not affect your thyroid function, especially when your thyroid is in normal conditions. But you may want to avoid eating soy if you already have an existing thyroid problem, because soy can reduce your body's ability to absorb the medication taken for thyroid dysfunction. One simple solution would be to take thyroid mediation a few hours after you have consumed any soy products.

3. Is Soy Formula Good or Bad for Babies?

More than 20 million infants have consumed soy formula since the 1960s, but some people are still concerned about the fact that it contains isoflavones, which may affect a child's reproductive and overall development. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has already confirmed that there had been no difference in the health of people who consumed soy formula as infants.

However, not enough data is available to get to a definite conclusion. It is therefore a good idea to stick to breastfeeding if possible, for as long as you can.

4. Can Soymilk Affect Your Hormones?

If you are over 50 and are currently experiencing postmenopausal symptoms, you may benefit a lot from drinking soymilk. Similarly, it helps lower the risks for prostate cancer in men. However, some studies also show that since soy can affect your hormones, it may produce adverse effects when consumed during your reproductive years. Though more research is needed, experts believe that soy sterol can interfere with progesterone production. It is therefore important to avoid it during pregnancy.

Let's Draw a Conclusion

Let's try to draw a possible conclusion to the question, is soy milk good for you? Generally, soy milk serves amazing benefits, but has some concerns as well. It provides essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals like iron and potassium, and contains fewer calories than whole milk. Also, with no cholesterol content, soy milk can be good choice for heart health.

On the other hand, it may hamper reproductive development in young people, may not treat menopause symptoms as effectively as you might think, and is usually available in a processed form. It is a common allergen and can cause serious allergic reactions. You should avoid high doses at all cost, especially if you already have breast cancer. So, keep these pointers in mind and if you really want to consume soymilk, be sure to have it in moderation.

How to Consume Soy Milk for Best Benefits

Is soymilk good for you? One important factor is the consumption. It is important to consume soy in moderation – one to two servings of fermented and whole soy food works well, or on average serve 1 cup of soymilk.

To get maximum benefits, you also need to select the right type of soymilk. It is basically the liquid residue of cooked soybeans. However, you also need to bear in mind that not all soy products are created equal, and they may not be equally nutritious either. Some of these products are processed and not made using real soybeans.

Fresh soymilk is probably the best choice, but if that is not available, you should opt for whole-bean soymilk. Also, keep in mind that a product with a far-off expiration date is not a good choice because it may include additives to improve its shelf life. It is therefore important to check the label and opt for a popular brand when selecting soymilk or another soy product for that matter.

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