Light Green Discharge

Normally, the vaginal discharge is clear or milky white in color and contains no smell. The amount of discharge you have depends on the amount of hormones you have in your system. If you suffer from some sort of vaginal infection, however, the vaginal discharge can change in character. You can have colored discharge, vaginal burning, or spotting. This article is about vaginal infections that lead to light green discharge and how to cope with it.

Is It Normal?

Light green discharge is not considered normal. It usually smells bad and is associated with vaginal inflammation, itchiness in the vagina, fever, and pelvic pain. When you experience this type of discharge, it usually means there is a vaginal infection, but it canalso be due to other conditions related to having an infection.

Common Causes of Light Green Discharge

Here are the most common reasons why you might have vaginal discharge that is light green in color:


This is a very common sexually transmitted disease, caused by a protozoan known as Trichomonas vaginalis. About 7.4 million cases of trichomoniasis occur each year among both men and women, andit tends to happen among women of childbearing age. Apart from green discharge, other symptoms like gentile area’s irritation and soreness are sometimes happened together. What’s more, it is quite possible to pass on the infection to others.


Green discharge sometimes may be produced by chlamydia, a common STD among women. It is caused by chlamydia trachomatis, which is a type of bacterium. There are about 3 million new cases of chlamydia every year in the US, according to the CDC. Women with the symptoms of frequent urine, fever of low grade, or vaginal bleeding between periods should be alerted, as it could indicate chlamydia. It can be dangerous to the female reproductive system and can result in infertility and damage to the reproductive tract.

3.   Gonorrhea

Another reason for light green discharge is gonorrhea. Gonorrhea affects many people who partake in unprotected sex. It is the result of an infection with a bacterium known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It reproduces especially in areas of the reproductive tract in women that are moist and warm. This includes the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and urethra. Gonorrhea can also affect the eyes, anus, throat and mouth. It affects about one million women per year. About 25-40 percent of women who have gonorrhea also have chlamydia. This is why the CDC always recommends that women who have gonorrhea also have some kind of treatment for chlamydia.

4.   Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis results in vaginal discharge with a fishy odor and a light green color. Bacterial vaginosis is also called anaerobic vaginosis and involves a bacterial imbalance inside the vagina. When bacterial vaginosis occurs, there is usually too much of bacteria known as Gardnerella or Mobiluncus in the vaginal vault, leading to the abnormal discharge and the sensation of vaginal burning. It is not truly an STD as the bacterium can be found in the vagina of just about any women. It is only the imbalance of the bacteria that leads to the light green discharge.

5.   Foreign Body

A tampon that has not been removed for several days or a condom left inside the vagina can result in a foreign body reaction and cause the discharge to appear green. Other symptoms include pelvic discomfort, pain on urination, vulvar redness, vulvar swelling, and light spotting coming from the vagina due to the foreign body.

6.   Lichen Sclerosis

Another cause of green discharge is lichen sclerosis, which is a skin condition that is found in the female vulva. It starts with white patches in the vulvar area that grow over time and change the texture, pigment, and coloration of the skin. The vulvar area becomes wrinkled and thin. The skin rips easily, resulting in itching, pain, and a red or purple bruising of the vulvar area.

What You Can Do About This

1.   Ask Help from Your Doctor

Light green discharge coming from the vagina must not be ignored. There are some typical ways of ridding yourself of this problem; however, you must not ignore the fact that it comes from some sort of root cause that will result in a recurrence of the symptoms. This means that it is better to find the underlying reason and to have it treated by a qualified healthcare practitioner. Treating the underlying cause of the problem can result in the reduce of the risk of a series of complications.

If the problem is due to bacterial vaginosis, for example, you will receive antibiotic cream or antibiotic pills that alter the balance of bacteria in the vagina. If, on the other hand, the problem is due to trichomoniasis, you will receive an antibiotic such as tinidazole (Tindamax) or Flagyl (metronidazole) instead.

If the infection is not treated properly, some complications can occur. This can include the following:

  • Infertility from having scarred fallopian tubes
  • Ectopic pregnancy from having a pregnancy grow in the tubes instead of inside the uterus
  • Spread of the infection to any one of your sexual partners
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (short for PID), which is an infection in the reproductive tract of a female
  • Toxic shock syndrome, which is a dangerous medical condition that leads to shock from bacterial

2.   Prevention Through Daily Care

There are things you can do to help yourself whenever you have light green discharge. These include the following:

  • Stay away from feminine products that have perfume, scented soap, or douching products. Stay away from any type of bubble bath or feminine spray.
  • Wash the vagina regularly with a mild soap and water that is gentle to the vaginal tissues.
  • After you urinate, you should wipe the vulva from the front to the back in order to keep bacteria from entering the vaginal area to cause an infection.
  • Always wear underwear that is made from 100 percent cotton. Do not wear clothing that is tight in the pelvic area. 
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