Orgasm During Early Pregnancy

Orgasm is a strong physical feeling of pleasure that could be strong or weak, good or bad. If you are lucky, it might last longer for up to a minute, or just for a brief second. There are millions who never experienced it, but those who did are undoubtedly fascinated by the feeling they get. But what to do if you are pregnant? Wondering whether orgasm during early pregnancy can harm you or your baby? Here are the answers to some of your confusions.

Is Orgasm During Early Pregnancy Safe?

"I am a woman with gestational age of 6 weeks and was suggested by my doctor to avoid sex in the early days of pregnancy, even though I was not facing any medical issues or ailments. The confusion was whether the doctor wants me to desist from having sex physically or to avoid having orgasm?"

This problem was shared by a mother on a public forum and it is not just about one case. In fact, many women face the same confusion. To answer the question, at first, it should be cleared that orgasm and sexual intercourse are two different activities as sex cannot be done by yourself unlike orgasm.

If orgasm during early pregnancy is done by a partner, by yourself or by any stimulation, it cannot harm you or your baby. Back in the old days, people used to think that preterm labor can be a result of female orgasms, because orgasm causes female's uterus to contract. Hormone oxytocin is also released during orgasm. This hormone is usually responsible for causing contractions of labor, which was why doctors suggest avoiding orgasm in pregnancy in the past. But now latest studies show that the uterus contraction due to orgasm is not harmful and does not result in preterm labor in females, especially during early pregnancy. The misconception of having your cervix dilated or effaced due to orgasm has also been vanished. The only case of harm due to orgasm should be considered if you face placental bleeding or you have chances of premature delivery.

So, Is Sex During Early Pregnancy Safe?

Generally, sex leaves no harm on your pregnancy and it is completely natural like other normal activities, because the fetus is securely covered by the muscles present in uterine walls and by the abdomen. Sex is not harmful in early stages of pregnancy, but care is still required, especially the first 14th week of pregnancy when the baby’s critical organs are developing. The risk that should be concerned about is the anxiety of mothers-to-be, which causes 80% of miscarriages happening in the first trimester. Additionally, if you are at any risk of pregnancy failure conditions; you should avoid doing intercourse in early pregnancy. These conditions include:

  • Ÿ  You have ever had a miscarriage.
  • Ÿ  You have the history of threatened miscarriage.
  • Ÿ  You are experiencing spotting.
  • Ÿ  You are experiencing cramping.
  • Ÿ  Any of you have sexually transferred disease.

For better and more suggestions, you must consult your doctor. It is better to ask for clear advices or recommendations from your doctor. If your doctor restricts you from sex, the suggestion may include all the sexual activities that may take a part in altering the hormone levels and can lead to orgasm.

More Truths About Orgasm During Pregnancy

Other than this confusion, orgasm has some more interesting facts that a pregnant women may have experienced withoutbeing fully conscious about them, they include:

1. The Sensation of Orgasms Is Better Than Usual

In pregnancy, the blood flow to the uterus and some other sexual parts gets increased, which allows orgasm to be more passionate. The role of hormones is also very important. Oxytocin is the hormone that is mainly responsible for female orgasms during pregnancy. The orgasm during the phase of breastfeeding have also found to be full of sensation.

2. Change in Belly Shape

Orgasm during early pregnancy causes abdomen and uterus muscles contraction, so the shape of belly changes and it becomes a little pointed from the middle or from the sides. The situation is not risky and is completely normal.

3. Cramps After Orgasm

If you feel cramps in your uterus just after an orgasm, do not worry as this phenomenon is absolutely normal. This happens due to the contraction of uterine tissues after the orgasm. They may appear like menstrual cramps that you didn’t feel when you were not pregnant.

4. Achieving Orgasm Might Easier or Harder During Pregnancy

During pregnancy you’ll be ahead in terms of achieving orgasm when compared with women in usual condition, because physically, human arousal process requires the blood to flow to the genitals, which has happened if you are pregnant. Therefore, mostly women can achieve it more easily during pregnancy, but for some, pregnancy interferes in achieving orgasm, especially at the end of pregnancy. It could be due to inability of uterus to contract when it is protecting a life in it. 

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