Period Lasted Only Two Days, Why?

Normally, a woman’s cycle is about 4 weeks, where a woman ovulates at mid cycle and menstruates for 4 to 7 days, approximately 14 days after ovulation. The duration of a normal period may also differ among various women, but when a woman’s period only lasted 2 days, the sudden short period may lead them to worry whether something else is wrong, or wonder if they are pregnant. Here is what the medical experts say about sudden and short menstrual periods.

Period Only Lasted 2 Days, Is It Normal?

It is not normal to have a period of 2 days. For many women, a normal menstrual period can last 4 to 6 days. Just as every woman is unique, every woman's menstrual period is also unique. After a few years' of monthly menstrual bleeding, most women have a feel for their period's duration, frequency, and flow. When something out of the ordinary happens, such as a sudden and short menstrual period, it's natural to wonder what's going on.

Can It Be Pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, you cannot have a period. However, women occasionally mistake this bleeding for a short menstrual period, and don't realize they are pregnant. Implantation spotting is bleeding that occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and you experience vaginal spotting that is brownish or pinkish around the time of your normal menstrual period. Usually the bleeding is light and lasts for a couple hours to a couple of days.

How Can I Know for Sure?

  • Analyze the Bleeding

If a woman’s period only lasted 2 days, and is heavier than it normally is, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Women should take note of the flow and color of the blood and any other symptoms they may be experiencing. Furthermore, women should take into consideration if the bleeding occurred around the normal time as your expected period, or if it occurred either before or after it.

  • Check for Pregnancy Signs

Most women experience some symptoms early in pregnancy, including nausea, fatigue, frequent urination, swollen or tender breasts, and headaches. Even though women can sometimes experience the same symptoms without being pregnant, having some of these symptoms could be evidence that a pregnancy is likely.

  • Take a Pregnancy Test

Most women can use a home pregnancy test to determine if they are pregnant. However, women who have experienced spotty bleeding may want to consider seeing a physician and getting a quantitative blood pregnancy test. This test tends to be more accurate than a home pregnancy test, and can detect pregnancy just 10 days after conception.

  • Talk to a Doctor

No matter the results of the pregnancy test, women who have period only lasted 2 days should always discuss the issue with a physician. Short menstrual period causes can range from something as simple as forgetting to take their birth control pill, to something as serious as cancer or an ectopic pregnancy.

Any Other Reasons Can Cause Two-Day Period?


A woman’s body is well adapted to dealing with everyday short term stress, but long term stress can shorten or lengthen your menstrual cycle, and make your periods more painful. Moreover, high stress levels make bacterial vaginosis more likely. Try alleviating the stress through regular exercise.

Estrogen Changes

Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the changes that may occur during your menstrual cycle, and any changes in your body's level of estrogen can disrupt the normal pattern of your period. That's why women approaching menopause and young girls going through puberty, commonly have irregular periods. Any changes in estrogen levels at any stage of life can affect the length and regularity of your periods.

Birth Control Pills

Rapid Weight Changes

Rapid weight loss or gain can lead to sudden changes in your cycle, including irregular periods or not getting your period at all. Even though a low body weight is a common cause of irregular or missed periods, being overweight can cause same problems. The good news is that your period usually returns to normal once your body returns to its healthy weight.

Disease or Health Problem

When a woman’s period only lasted 2 days, the sudden short period may be caused by disease or a health problem. Diseases such as tuberculosis, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and liver disease, can cause missed or irregular periods, and you may want to be screened for problems such as, Asherman's syndrome, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

When Should You Worry?

Many women have between 11 to 13 menstrual cycles each year, and short periods should be looked at in terms of what is normal for you. However, it might be time to worry when:

When You're Not Getting a Period At All

If you're too young to be going through perimenopause or menopause, and you’re not getting a period at all. It could be polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormone imbalance in women that can affect ovulation, and cause problems with a woman's period. It might also be Asherman's syndrome, where scar tissue in the lining of the uterus becomes inflamed causing changes in the menstrual cycle.

When Your Period Is Very Heavy

A prolonged or heavy menstrual period, known as menorrhagia, is the most common type of irregular bleeding. Your period is considered very heavy if there’s enough blood every hour, for several consecutive hours, to soak a tampon or a pad.Other symptoms could include, a period that lasts longer than 7 days, or passing large blood clots during menstruation.

When Your Period Is Ultra-Painful

If your periods are suddenly worse or become more painful, it may be a sign of endometriosis (endometrial tissue outside the uterus and causing pelvic pain), or uterine fibroids (noncancerous growths of the uterus), both of which will need to be discussed with your physician.

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