Instructions for Prostate Massage Therapy

The prostate is a small gland which is situated below the bladder. As people age, the prostate enlarges and can lead to complications such as difficulty urinating and prostate cancer. A prostate massage can help alleviate the discomfort associated with an enlarged prostate. Although it may not be fruitful in eliminating prostate cancer, prostate massages can help with overall prostate health. Many people do it just trying to get sexual enjoyment. A massage can be implemented both internally and externally. This article will detail the methods, giving prostate massage therapy instructions so you are able to do this correctly and without unwanted complication.

Prostate Massage Therapy Instructions

Step One: Get Prepared

Carry out the massage only after you have recently had a bowel movement to ensure your bowels are empty. A hot bath or shower can also assist with relaxing your pelvic muscles. Ensure that your nails aren’t too long and are smoothed to avoid damaging your insides. Wear a latex glove of good quality and lie on your back or side with a towel or mat beneath you. Apply a suitable lubricant to your fingers and your anus.

Step Two: Find the Right Angle

Use your middle finger to gently press against your anus so as to relax the muscles. Next, gently move your finger in circular motions. Gradually increase the pressure until your finger is able to comfortably enter the anus. To find the right angle, your middle finger should be facing upward, although it is up to you to find the most comfortable angle. Once you feel that you have found the correct angle (the prostate is walnut-shaped and is very sensitive), insert your finger further into your anus.

Step Three: Relax and Gently Massage

Relax and allow your body to adjust to your penetrative finger whilst breathing deeply. This may easily be overlooked when noting prostate massage therapy instructions, but it is essential to ensure a smooth process. Once ready, you can begin to massage your prostate by gently doing the "come here" motion with your finger against the rectum wall. Being gently is essential, as too much pressure or pressure on the wrong area can lead to damage.

Step Four: Remove Your Finger

While massaging, you may notice fluid excrete from your penis. This is normal and nothing to worry about. The massage aims to increase blood flow and remove torpid fluids. It is entirely possible to achieve the expulsion of a large amount of prostatic fluid via prostate stimulation. This is known as "prostate milking" and is a very health occurrence.

For further information on how to find the prostate and massage it, watch the video below.

How to Do It with a Prostate Massager

There are many prostate massagers which can be bought and are designed specifically for this purpose. Always ensure that you clean and disinfect the apparatus both before and after use and follow the prostate massage therapy instructions.

Step One: Preparation

It may be wise to apply a condom to the prostate massager along with a sufficient amount of lubricant to ease the process of penetration.

Step Two: Penetration

Get yourself into a "crawling" position on your hands and knees and gently insert the prostate massager into your anus (around four to five inches deep). Please note that it is entirely possible for this to cause some arousal and an erection. Gently move the prostate massager a couple of inches out and then gently apply pressure to push it back in. Repeat five to ten times.

Step Three: The Last Insertion

On the last insertion, gently wiggle the massager on the prostate for around seven seconds before releasing the pressure and removing the apparatus. Wait for one minute. Repeat the process of inserting, wiggling and holding for seven seconds before removing the massager and completing the prostate massage therapy.

How to Do an External Prostate Massage

Prostate massage therapy instructions aren't limited to internal massage. If you can’t accept a rectal penetration, you may wish to carry out an external prostate massage. This can be done by massaging, rubbing and applying pressure to the perineum which resides between the scrotum and the anus. It is important to note, however, that this method is not as effective as the methods mentioned above.

Step One: Relax

To achieve an external prostate massage, lie comfortably on your back and relax yourself. Hold your middle finger, ring finger and index finger close together and prepare to massage.

Step Two: Apply Pressure

Raise your knees whilst keeping your feet flat on the ground and place your fingers on your perineum. Apply gentle but firm pressure to the perineum.

Step Three: Massage

Slowly massage the area six times in a clockwise motion. Rest for a moment and then do the same thing but in an anti-clockwise motion. It is important to experiment with a number of different motions and repetitions as what works for one person may not work for you.

Notes for Prostate Massage Therapy

When seeking advice on prostate massage therapy instructions, there are some important precautions to note.

  • If any pain is felt during the process, you should discontinue immediately. Visit a doctor if the pain remains persistent or worsens.
  • Always use generous amounts of lubrication as rough penetration can lead to an anal fissure (cut/tear in the wall of the rectum).
  • If you opt for a prostate massager, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions in regards to cleaning and using.
  • If the process is done incorrectly, numerous complications can arise, including hemorrhoid problems as well as the spread of cancer cells (in those who have prostate cancer). 
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