What Does Implantation Feel Like?

During implantation, the fertilized egg has grown into the blastocyst stage and attaches to the inner lining of the uterus. It initially goes through the fallopian tube and enters the uterus, where it attaches somewhere inside the uterus. Implantation is experienced about one week after ovulation and about six to twelve days after the egg is fertilized. If you plan to become pregnant, you may wish to know "What does implantation feel like?" This is what this article is about.

What Does Implantation Feel Like?

When implantation occurs, the most common symptom you might experience is cramping pain. It may feel just like period cramping and may confuse you, thinking you are getting your period. So, how can you differ from these two kinds of pain?

First, those who experience implantation cramping feel it as quite a minor sort of pain. Much of the time, the cramps you experience last less than five minutes but can persist up to two days in duration. This differs from cramping associated with premenstrual syndrome, which is more of a chronic pain that lessens as soon as the period starts or after the second day of bleeding.

Second, the reason is different. When the blastocyst finally attaches to the inner uterine lining, you can experience pain in the lower abdominal or pelvic area. In contrast, the cramping you get from having a period is associated with contractions of the uterus, which is trying to get rid of the inner uterine lining.

Third, the time you experience the pain is actually different. You can have cramping from implantation at around the time that implantation is supposed to occur and not in the day or two before your period in PMS cramping.

Not all women, however, will have any symptoms whatsoever at the time of implantation.

Moms' Experiences

Here are some experiences of mothers who felt something during implantation, which help you know the answer to "What does implantation feel like".

I am not certain if I have had the experience of implantation yet, but I experienced it six days after ovulation. I have had long waning pains during the night and felt a bit seasick. The cramps I experienced were strange. They weren't like my usual PMS cramps, but they hurt bad enough that I had a hard time sleeping during the night. I haven't had a positive pregnancy test yet, but I feel like these were the right kinds of cramps for implantation pain. ---Eve

I have had a different cycle this time around. I began having sharp pains at around 3-4 days and I thought they were from the ovulation itself since I usually get some cramps at the time of ovulation. But at the 6th day post ovulation time, the cramps were very different. Then I really became pregnant. I think everyone's experience is different. It's amazing thing when you are paying close attention to what is going on inside your body.---Marguerite

I experienced a dull aching pain that was much less than my usual period cramps. I felt it down in the uterus area and sometimes all over my body. It felt like a tickling sensation near where my ovary is located. Now I have spotting at seven days post ovulation. This just can't be from my period as it is too early. I feel like I am over-analyzing things and I feel that if I cough too much, I will cough the baby out before it really gets implanted. ---Ann

Are There Any More Signs and Symptoms Besides Implantation Cramping?

When asking "What does implantation feel like", besides the cramping, there are also some things you can notices. The following things are what you should pay attention to if you want to make sure it is an implantation or not.

1.  Spotting

Spotting is one of the main symptoms of ovulation,and if it happens within 7-10 following ovulation, it might mean implantation is happening. If you have some light spotting around the time of implantation, there is nothing to be concerned about. It is just caused by the embryo imbedding itself into the uterine lining. Implantation bleeding is not like period bleeding. It tends to be of a slight amount and is pink in color.

2.  Breast Changes

You can get breast tenderness and swelling around the time of implantation. The female hormones change very quickly after conception and because of it, the breasts will tingle, and will be sore or swollen. The timing and duration of the breast changes make a difference: If you feel it about 7 days after ovulation, there is a chance it might be associated with implantation.

3.  Body Temperature Changes

Many doctors believe that basal body temperature charts can help identify implantation. There is a triphasic temperature curve with a decrease in temperature just after ovulation and a secondary rise in temperature at the time of implantation. This is because progesterone rises and stays elevated after implantation.

4.  Frequent Urination

About a week after you conceive, you will find an increase in urination. You will find yourself passing just a small amount of urine at a time. This is due to an elevation of the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), made by the growing embryo as it attaches to the inner lining of the uterus.

5.  Food Habit Changes

Many women report an increase in the senses of taste and smell after ovulation; however, food aversions or cravings usually mean there is a pregnancy. This is due to the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy. However, food cravings or aversions that happen less than the day 7 after ovulation are not likely related to implantation.

6.  Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are an uncommon sign of implantation although some women will experience this. It usually happens on the day of implantation and lasts up to fifty minutes. The hot flashes are usually caused by fluctuations in hormone levels during implantation. 

The following wonderful video about fertilization and implantation will help you know about the process better.

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