Stop the Period to Have Sex or Have Sex During Period?

Periods are a perfectly normal part of being a woman and they are nothing to be concerned or ashamed about. However, they can sometimes be painful and heavy, affecting your mood and interrupting regular life on a monthly basis. A lot of women would simply be happy to wave goodbye to their periods for good, particularly when they are with a partner and want to have sex. Unfortunately, however, there is no way to stop a period once it is already underway. Luckily, for those wondering how to stop your period to have sex, there are many effective and safe methods for delaying your period that have no negative side effects and do not affect your fertility. Alternatively, you could also have sex while on your period, as long as you take certain precautions and discuss any potential issues with your partner. Read on and find out exactly how.

How to Delay Your Period to Have Sex

For those who want to know how to stop your period to have sex, there are a number of ways that have been tried for quite some time and are supposed to delay your period by a couple of days so that you can engage in sexual activities without the hassle of having your period. One such way is by taking 800-1000 mg of ibuprofen continuously every four to six hours, as long as you start taking it at least a day in advance of the arrival date of your period. Another option is by eating plenty of lemons, again one day in advance. However, these options are not actually proven to help delay your period, but are just rumored to help. There are some other, more helpful ways of delaying your period that are commonly used, although they are not absolutely guaranteed to affect all women the same. These methods include:

1. Take the Contraceptive Pill

Some contraceptive pills can really help a lot, you can ask a doctor for how to take them correctly.

  • Monophasic 21-day pill: If you want to delay your period, take the pill constantly for 21 days and don't take it for the next 7 days. This type of pill includes Brevinor, Cilest, Microgynon, etc.
  • Everyday pill: The first 21 pills are active and the last 7 are not in a pack of this kind of pill. In order to delay your period, you need to take these pills in right order every day. So, follow the instruction in the pocket strictly and if you have any questions, you can consult a doctor. This type of pill includes Microgynon ED and Logynon ED.
  • Phasic 21-day pills: These pills have different hormones in each pill, so depending on the phase that you're in, different ones may be needed to take. First 21 days, you need to take one pill each day and then the next 7 days, you shouldn't take any pills. To be sure about which pills to miss out, ask your GP, otherwise you might accidentally miss out the wrong ones.
  • Combined contractive pills: At least a couple of weeks before you want to stop your period, you need to change from taking one type of contraception to the combined contraceptive pill. However, it is best to ask your GP for details.

2. Ask for Norethisterone Tablets

If you are not taking a contraceptive pill and you want to know how to stop your period to have sex, ask your doctor for the norethisterone, which can delay your period. Normally, you will have three norethisterone tablets per day three days before the start of your period. Your period should then start three days after you stop taking the tablets.

3. Try a Softcup

A short term solution is a Softcup. These feminine hygiene products can be worn for up to twelve hours and will not be noticeable for you or your partner. The Softcup can help you to have clean sex without the sheets looking like a murder scene. However, the Softcup is not a contraceptive and will not protect you against STDs.

How to Have Sex During Your Period

If none of the ways on how to stop your period to have sex works, since the ways offered above are not guaranteed, you may want to look for alternative methods, such as having sex whilst on your period. If this is your choice, the following suggests will be needed.

1. Talk to Your Partner

It takes two to tango, so you need to make sure your partner is happy with having sex while you are on your period. Talk about the issues before hand and make sure you are both acceptable and comfortable with the idea. Only go ahead if both of you feel you really want to. Of course, being on your period does not have to stop you and your partner from engaging in other, non-penetrative sexual activities.

2. Know It's Safe

Many people feel a bit strange about having sex while on their period, thinking it might be dangerous or dirty. This stigma comes mainly from religions, but actually, while it can be a little messier than normal, having sex while on your period is perfectly natural and safe. There is no medical reason to prevent you from having sex while on your period.

3. Know the Benefits

Women tend to be more sensitive during their period, which makes it one of the best times to have sex for both parties. Additionally, having sex while on your period can after make it shorter, although it might be heavier. Sex can also help reduce your cramps because orgasm is a great natural painkiller.

4. Minimize the Mess

In order to avoid staining your sheets, simply make sure you are prepared. Try to stick to having sex on your light days for obvious reasons. Also, get plenty of old towels that you don't mind ruining it and stick to the missionary position to lessen the flow of blood. Alternatively, enjoy intercourse in the shower. You could also wear a menstrual cup, also called a female condom, to reduce the amount of blood that occurs during sex. What's more, use a regular condom to make cleaning up slightly easier for both you and your partner.

5. Don't Forget Protection

Unfortunately, in a few cases, you can still get pregnant if you engage in intercourse while on your period. This means that you should still use protection unless you are actively trying to have a baby. If you are taking contraceptive pills in the way as the instructions (i.e., not skipping any out), you should be absolutely fine, but you are still at risk from sexually transmitted diseases. The risk is actually slightly higher when you are on your period, as your cervix is more open during this time of the month. So, wearing a condom is really needed.

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