Top 10 Great Foods That Help with Constipation

Constipation is certainly not a glamorous topic, but it sure is a difficult problem to handle. Having it can make your life difficult. It is actually a common problem with more than 42 million people in the U.S. dealing with it. While everyone has different bathroom habits, you may want to talk to your doctor if you have fewer than three bowel movements per week. You can try medications to deal with the issue, but you can also find foods that help with constipation.

Foods to Help with Constipation

So many factors play a role in making you deal with constipation. It could be due to some medical conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease or hypothyroidism. You may have it because of medications, such as antidepressants and painkillers. Bad eating habits can also lead to constipation. Whatever the case, you can eat certain foods to prevent and treat constipation.

1. Include Berries in Your Diet

Berries are certainly a sweet constipation remedy and work because they provide you with loads of fiber. You can opt for blackberries, raspberries, or even strawberries to increase your intake of fiber. A half-cup serving of strawberries contains 2g of fiber, while the same serving of blackberries contains 3.8g of fiber. Raspberries are the best because a half-cup serving provides you with 4g of fiber. Berries are low in calories, so you can eat more to deal with constipation.

2. Get Fiber from Beans

Looking for foods to help with constipation? Try beans. Many people do not know it but beans are actually better than veggies when it comes to loading up on fiber. A half-cup serving of navy beans provides you with 9.5g of fiber, whereas the same amount of kidney beans contains 8.2g of fiber. Lima beans and pinto beans are also good sources of fiber. You can toss beans into soups, salads, pasta, and casseroles.

3. Snack on Dried Fruit

One simple way to increase your intake of dietary fiber is to snack on dried fruits, such as figs, dates, apricots, prunes, and raisins. They contain dietary fiber and are extremely beneficial in the treatment of constipation. Prunes are especially beneficial because they contain fiber and also have sorbitol that is a natural laxative.

4. Include Whole-Grain Bread in Your Diet

To keep constipation at bay, you should ensure that you eat whole-grain bread only. They are low in fat and rich in fiber and complex carbs. Be sure to check the label before you buy your bread. It should say "whole-wheat flour" or have "whole" mentioned before the grain. It is an even better idea to opt for diet breads because they are very high in fiber.

5. Eat Broccoli to Beat Constipation

Broccoli is among the best foods to help with constipation because it is packed with dietary fiber. It contains fewer calories and is a great source of essential nutrients. Just keep in mind that you will get loads of fiber only when you eat broccoli raw. Cooking it will lower its fiber content. If you really want to cook it, you should consider broiling, steaming, or baking it. Toss it with some salt, olive oil, and pepper for added flavor.

6. Eat Pears, Plums, and Apples

Including raw fruit in your diet can help to treat constipation. It is also effective against bloating that is usually associated with constipation. Some great options include pears, plums, and apples because they all provide you with loads of fiber. Keep in mind that most of the fiber is in their edible skins, so you should not remove the skin when eating them. Pears, plums, and apples are also high in a naturally occurring fiber called pectin that is especially beneficial for your digestive health. You get about 4.4g of fiber from a small raw pear with skin, whereas a medium apple provides you with 3.3g of fiber.

7.  Eat Kiwis to Fix Constipation

Eating fruits is a good way of dealing with constipation, but some fruits are high in fruit sugar called fructose. It can cause gas and make you feel bloated as well. Therefore, you should opt for fruits with lower-sugar content, and that is when you can put your money on kiwi. A cup of kiwi provides you with 5g of fiber along with vitamin C and many other important nutrients.

8. Load Up on Spinach

Eating spinach is another simple way to increase your intake of fiber. A cup of cooked spinach is enough to provide you with 4g of fiber. It also provides you with magnesium that helps the colon contract. At the same time, it helps draw water in to promote healthier bowel movements. Adding magnesium to your diet, along with increasing your intake of fiber can really help treat constipation in a short time.

9. Add More Nuts to Your Diet

Eating a handful of nuts like peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, or almonds can help keep you healthy. They provide you with omega-3s that improve cardiovascular health and offer loads of fiber that improves digestion. You get about 9g of fiber from a half cup serving of almonds along with protein and other nutrients, making it one of the best foods to help with constipation.

10. Have Some Oatmeal

Oatmeal includes oats that provide you with loads of soluble fiber. It dissolves in water and softens up your stool so it could pass through the intestines more freely. Oatmeal also provides you with insoluble fiber that bulks up your stool and helps keep things moving through your intestines. Studies show that you should have at least three servings of whole grains every day to keep constipation at bay. Brown rice and oats can help achieve your goal.

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