Persimmon Health Benefits

Shaped like tomatoes, persimmons are mild sweet and packed with loads of fiber and other vitamins and minerals. You usually get them during the fall season. You can find such varieties that are non-astringent, so you can eat them raw. You can find some varieties that are astringent and work well in cooked foods. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals, you enjoy many health benefits by including them in your diet. Let's find out more about this mildly sweet orange fruit.

Persimmon Health Benefits

Most of the benefits of persimmon come from its fiber content, but there are other vitamins and minerals essential for better overall health. Here are some interesting benefits of eating persimmon.

1. It Prevents Cancer

Persimmon is packed with so many anti-cancer compounds and significantly increases your body's ability to get rid of free radicals. Free radicals can cause oxidative damage and increase your risk of developing cancer of different types. Persimmons have antioxidants that prevent oxidative damage and help eliminate those free radicals from your system. They are also rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as phenolics compounds like gallocatechins and catechins. These compounds also help raise protection against cancer.

2. It Has Ant-Tumor Properties

One of many persimmon health benefits is that it reduces your cancer risk, but at the same time, it lowers your risks of getting tumors. That happens because persimmons are rich in betulinic acid that is an anti-tumor compound. If you already have a tumor, including persimmon in your diet would keep it from metastasizing.

3. It Boosts Immune System

Include persimmon in your diet and it will help boost your immune system in no time. With a stronger immune system, you are likely to deal with infections in a much better way. These immune system boosting properties come from the ascorbic acid content of persimmon – a single serving provides you with 80% of your daily intake of ascorbic acid or vitamin C. This vitamin boosts your immune system by triggering the production of white blood cells, which makes it easier to fight against viral, microbial, and fungal infections.

4. It Regulates Blood Pressure

Persimmons are a rich source of potassium. This mineral works as a vasodilator – it means that it dilates your blood vessels and improves blood circulation. With an increase in blood flow to all parts of your body, your heart will have to work less, which will lower your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Persimmons contain many other organic compounds that dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure as well.

5. It Improves Metabolism

Persimmons are beneficial because they contain several elements of B-vitamins, such as folic acid, pyridoxine, and thiamin. Together, these elements support several metabolic functions and enzymatic processes in the body. Including persimmons in your diet will help boost your metabolism, which in turn will promote energy production, improve digestion, increase muscle tone, and boost the immune system as well.

6. It Improves Blood Circulation

As mentioned already, one of many persimmon health benefits is that it dilates blood vessels, which automatically improves blood circulation. However, it also provides you with copper, which helps trigger the formation of new red blood cells. Your body cannot use many essential nutrients in the absence of enough copper. Eating persimmons will help make additional hemoglobin, which increases blood circulation and leaves a positive impact on your muscle tone, cognitive function, energy levels, and metabolism.

7. It Improves Digestion

Just like all other fiber-rich foods, persimmons are good for your digestive system. You may benefit a lot by eating persimmons if you have been dealing with constipation for quite some time now. It also helps prevent liver problems. Thanks to its high fiber content, it also helps reduce water retention in the body.

8. It Helps You Lose Weight

Persimmons work in many different ways to help you maintain a healthy body weight. It boosts metabolism, so you will be able to use food for energy. This will reduce fat storage in the body. Moreover, you get enough fiber from persimmons to relieve constipation and lower water retention, which in turn will also help lower body weight.

Persimmon Benefits for Skin

Interestingly, persimmon health benefits are not limited to weight loss, protection from cancer, and improved blood circulation. You can also use persimmon to have healthier skin. Here are some of its benefits for your skin.

1. It Brightens Your Skin

You can wear persimmon facemask to improve the overall quality of your skin. As it contains vitamin A, vitamin E, and carotene, it works great to add a natural glow to your skin. Just apply persimmon puree on your skin and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it off to have a fairer complexion.

2. It Helps Oily Skin

If your skin is too oily, that is mainly due to excess sebum production. This can lead to clogged pores and leave you with pimples and other skin problems. Simply combine cucumber juice and persimmon puree and apply it to your face three times a week. This will unclog your pores and regulate oil secretion as well.

3. It Has Anti-Aging Effects

With so many nutrients packed into it, persimmon provides you with anti-aging benefits as well. Regular application of persimmon facemask may reduce the appearance of wrinkles and keep your skin fresh. By eliminating free radicals, it helps delay signs of aging.

4. It Reduces Appearance of Fine Lines

Due to presence of an antioxidant called lycopene, persimmon can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By consuming 16mg of lycopene a day, you will be able to maintain high levels of moisture in your skin, which in turn prevents wrinkles and fine lines.

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