7+ Herbs for Womb Cleansing

Over the last couple of years, it has become quite popular to go for cleaning. A cleaning is actually available for everything. It is available to help in weight loss, to detox your liver, to clean your colon or to help in boosting your metabolism. Currently, a new type of cleaning is gaining popularity-the womb cleansing. This type of cleansing is helpful if you are preparing to conceive or just want to become healthier.

Womb Cleaning Home Remedies

Many herbs may be utilized to cleanse and stimulate your uterus and improve its tone. They also help in relieving menopausal or menstrual symptoms. However, certain herbs that help in boosting health of uterus should be avoided during pregnancy as they may stimulate uterine contractions.

While many herbal remedies have been used safely for a long time; however, you should still consult a physician before taking any herbs that support uterus, especially if you suffer from a medical illness, are trying to conceive or take certain medicines.

1. Ginger

Ginger decreases inflammation while increasing blood flow and oxygen supply to the uterus. It is an excellent detoxifier for the whole body because it boosts circulation, supports the functioning of liver and promotes sweating. It can be safely taken during pregnancy. It is a proven remedy for morning sickness during pregnancy.

2. Marigold

Marigold is one of the good herbs that can be used for cleansing of the uterus. It is especially useful to support the health of a hardened uterus as it does not irritate the mucous membranes. Drinking marigold in the form of tea can help in the regulation of menstrual bleeding and relieve cramps. However, it should be avoided during pregnancy.

3. Motherwort

Motherwort is another one of womb cleaning home remedies. It is utilized in Chinese medicine traditionally to treat menstrual and menopausal symptoms. Leonurine is the uterus stimulating or uterotonic component present in the leaves of motherwort. You should not take it during pregnancy as it causes contractions of the uterus.

4. Raspberry

Red raspberry has been used as a tonic to tone and regulate muscles of uterus. It can help in returning your uterus to its original size and tone and decrease bleeding and swelling after delivery. It contains ferulic acid that may ease menstrual flow by causing the stimulation of muscles supporting the uterus. It also reduces excessive bleeding during menstruation.

In the past, this herb was utilized during pregnancy; however, it is no longer advised as it may stimulate uterine contractions. Raspberry is also a rich source of nutrients that provide support to the reproductive system and other body systems as well. The nutrients present in raspberry are tannins, flavonoids, alpha-carotenes, beta-carotenes, calcium, alkaloids, iron, leutin, phosphorus, selenium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C and B vitamins.

5. Nettle Leaves

Nettle leaves have large quantities of chlorophyll along with vitamins C, D, A and K, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and sulphur. It can be prepared as a tea and is also available as a capsule. They increase fertility and remove toxins from the liver and kidneys, hence, making it one of the great womb cleaning home remedies.

The herb is listed as unsafe for ingestion during pregnancy by the Natural Medicines Database. However, other sources encourage its use before conceiving and during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. You should consult with your physician before taking nettle leaves during pregnancy.

6. Goldenseal Root

A normal inflammatory response is supported by this herb, which may help in preventing formation of adhesions and scar tissue. It also has cleansing, antimicrobial and antibiotic properties, thereby, helping the body in fighting infection and relieving occasional discomfort in the uterus.

7. More Herbs

  • Damiana Leaf

It is a female aphrodisiac. It has been utilized since centuries to help in increasing circulation to the female reproductive system and in increasing libido.

  • Dong Quai Root

It helps in increasing blood circulation to the female reproductive organs and is rich in iron. These two aspects of this herb make it important in building a healthy lining of the uterus. It also relaxes the muscles of the uterus, thereby, helping the uterus to function normally.

  • Peony Root

This herb has great hormone balancing properties. It also helps in reducing pain and relaxing uterine muscles. It encourages blood circulation to the pelvic region, thereby, increasing its use for uterine stagnation.

Why Should You Have a Womb Cleaning?

After discussing various womb cleaning home remedies, let’s discuss why you should have womb cleaning. In certain cases, the uterine lining may not be removed entirely during every cycle. Some of the symptoms of incomplete removal of uterine lining are bleeding for less than 4 days in each cycle, longer cycles than normal, entire absence of menstruation, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, cramping, PMS, passing blood clots, or passing brown or dark colored blood during menses.

Old uterine lining and blood may be retained if your uterus does not cleanse itself completely at each cycle. This may be harmful to the embryo.

The reasons for incomplete emptying of uterus are as follows:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Misplaced uterus
  • Decreased blood circulation
  • Excessive hormones

When to Have a Womb Cleaning?

If you suffer from the following problems, you may require a womb cleansing:

  • You suffer from depression or fatigue for unknown reasons.
  • You are taking antibiotics or medicines for more than one week.
  • You consume nonorganic meats and dairy.
  • You feel congested.
  • You pass blood clots or dark blood or have cramps during menses.
  • You suffer from acne.
  • You have liver spots or itchy skin.
  • You suffer from PMS every month with symptoms of nausea or shaking.
  • You have developed under eye dark circles.
  • You suffer from frequent illness such as flu or colds.
  • Your stomach remains distended.
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