Emotions are an essential part of being human. The feelings are beyond flight or fight responses to survive. Emotions range from high and low extremes to little nudges in our minds. We can learn to appear emotionless by hiding our emotions to avoid being vulnerable. This takes lots of energy and mental development. If you are interested in hiding your emotions, here is a useful guide on how to become emotionless.
How to Be Emotionless
1. Dissociate Yourself from the Situation
See yourself an observer and not active participant in a situation that stirs your emotions. Watch the events in your life the same way you watch a movie. Remove your emotions from your responses to situations and people that cause your emotions to erupt. Keep trying to remove your emotions until giving emotionless responses becomes automatic.
2. Think Logically, Not Emotionally
Use a logical approach to your situation when you cannot dissociate yourself from it. Focus on facts and figures instead of hatred, anger or fear. Focus on reasons behind every action and avoid making judgment before looking at situations from all sides.
3. Retreat Inwardly
Learn to retreat inwards and detach yourself from all other human experiences. Put yourself into a meditative state or a trance. In this state, you can put down your emotions and prevent them from intruding your mental state. Meditation is a great tool to become emotionless. You can choose from different types of meditation such as Huna and Vipassana. The most basic form of meditation--deeply breathing while closing eyes will loosen your emotions.
4. Think of Something Else
When you face a situation that requires you to be emotionless, occupy your mind with something else. For instance, try naming all the mammals, list your family members with their full names, or list the 50 states. Keep your mind occupied with boring things as you take in all the aspects of your situation.
5. Focus on Others, Not Yourself
It is very unlikely that you will be caught up emotionally when you focus on others. Focusing on others may be a challenge in an individualistic community. However, helping and connecting with others, volunteering, mentoring and spending time with others uplifts an individual’s life. You have less time to focus on your inner emotions.
6. Realize That You May Be Wrong
Sometime, emotions cloud your judgment but at times, you are just wrong. If you want to learn how to be emotionless, learn how to let go when you are wrong. Pride makes the situation worse.
7. Let Go of the Things You Cannot Change
You are likely to feel angry when you cannot control or change a situation. Instead of focusing on the anger, focus your mind on what you can change. This sets your mind on a positive direction and sets a stage for emotions. Instead of focusing on emotions, disengage your mind and try not to think about anything.
8. Accept Life as It Is
Do not view life as unfair or great. You cannot change it nor do anything about it. Life exists because you exist. It is not flowery or romantic and neither is it terrible. Your emotions will fade away when nothing is a big deal or has meaning to you. Convince yourself that there is no need to show emotions.
9. Develop New Mind Maps
It is easier to create new mind maps than to rewire old maps. New ways of thinking are stronger because they are focused and fresh. Do not spend much of your time trying to fix a wrong perception of yourself. Instead, develop a new mind map yourself and then focus your actions on building the new mind map.
10. Be Willing to Lose Positive Emotions
The other side of learning how to be emotionless is that you have to control positive emotions as well. You will lose good and bad emotions when you become emotionless. You cannot show enthusiasm or excitement about anything if you want to remain emotionless. However, if nothing makes you happy then nothing will make you sad. You need to remain neutral in all situations.
When Do You Need to Be Emotionless?
Do you remember your emotions the last time you were waiting for exam results or an email response from an interviewer? Did you feel insecure, worried, afraid or tensed? How did you feel about yourself when you were emotional? Did it affect your self-confidence or make you feel weak? We go through many situations in life where getting emotional does not change anything but our self-respect. Your actions in different situations affect your beliefs about yourself to an extent that you might believe you became a different person. You may lose your self-confidence if you believe that you were weak in some situations. Hence, it is important to learn how to be emotionless in situations where emotions harm your well-being.