Why Do I Have a Negative Pregnancy Test and No Period?

It's been a week and there is no sign of period despite you always have an absolutely normal and regular menstrual cycle. Your first instinct would be a home pregnancy test, but what if it comes out to be negative? Does that confirm you're not pregnant? Well, you're in the very common "negative pregnancy test no period" dilemma faced by many women. This could be a late period, but surprisingly you could still be pregnant!

You May Still Be Pregnant

A missed period accompanied with early pregnancy symptoms undoubtedly raises the suspicion of pregnancy. And a negative home pregnancy test doesn't necessarily mean that you're not pregnant. Feel confused? The following reasons may well explain why this may happen.

1. Low-sensitivity Kit

Home pregnancy test kits with low sensitivity have a high threshold level and can't detect pregnancy at its early stages. In this way, you may get a negative pregnancy test while pregnant. For accurate results, make sure you wait long enough, choose a kit with high-sensitivity, follow the instructions properly and use a more concentrated early morning sample.

2. Urine Dilution

Urine dilution due to drinking lots of water may give you an inaccurate test result. Early morning urine or the very first one you pass after waking up is concentrated and ideal for test.Make sure you don't drink lots of fluids before doing the test and hold it as much as possible if you're not able to do the test on an early morning sample.

3. Wrong Timing

Women produce hCGat different rates, which usually reaches its peak of 20mlU/ml after 7-10 days of implantation. If you test early, the hCG level is too low to be detected. This "negative pregnancy test no period" situation will definitely make you confused or even worried.

4. Other factors

Other causes may include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • A low or decreased hormone level
  • The anti-hCG antibodies don't react properly with pregnancy hCG

It Is Just Late Period

The negative pregnancy test no period dilemma may just be caused by a late period. But why? Pondering over the reason becomes nerve wracking. Well, one of the following could be your possible cause.

1. Thyroid Problem

Delayed periods are often experienced in thyroid imbalance. Other signs and symptoms include hair loss, fatigue, weight gain and cold intolerance. It can be diagnosed through a blood test and can be corrected with medications.

2. Too much Prolactin

Often experienced by nursing mothers, delayed or missed periods (more than one at times) could be caused by an abnormally high level of Prolactin, a hormone which suppresses menstruation. This is always accompanied by a milky discharge from the nipples. This can also be treated with medicines.

3. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

This condition affects hormones responsible for the release of mature eggs, which tend to stay in ovaries and as a consequence cannot be fertilized. Menstrual irregularities are often the first sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

4. Stress and Anxiety

When you're emotionally enervated, stressed, worried or anxious, your periods will be delayed because of the production of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol (a fight or flight hormone). When you stress or worry, levels of cortisol, a hormone produced from progesterone, increase. Progesterone in turn is responsible for maintaining endometrial lining and preparing it for implantation. When stressed, progesterone is stolen to produce cortisol, resulting in fertility and late period. This can be tackled by adopting de-stressing methods, like yoga, meditation, etc.

5. Certain Medications

If you still not find your reason of "negative pregnancy test no period", then this may be the one. A number of drugs have an effect on the menstrual cycle and impact its regularity. Their intake can cause delayed or missed periods and at times no periods at all. These medicines include birth control pills or shots, implants, thyroid medicines, chemotherapeutics, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, etc.

6. Malnutrition

Your eating routine significantly impacts your menstrual cycle. Poor eating habits can lead to delayed periods as well. A high-carbohydrate diet that lacks vitamins, minerals and other macronutrients can cause menstrual irregularity as the body isn't getting enough nutrients needed for a healthy cycle. Furthermore, people high on alcohol and caffeine also suffer from menstrual problems.

7. Uterine Abnormalities

A structural abnormality could also be the underlying reason for delayed periods. Uterine abnormalities like fibroids, polyps, endometriosis and cysts can result in excessive bleeding, missed periods or other menstrual problems.

8. Other Cause

  • Jetlag: While travelling over different time zones, rhythmic cycles like that of sleep and wakefulness are affected and so is menstrual cycle, which may result in late period.
  • Vigorous exercise: An intense routine of exercise can seriously botch up your menstrual cycle resulting in fertility problems as well. Therefore always exercise moderately.
  • Hormonal imbalance, like that of perimenopause or polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • Thyroid disease is another important cause of irregular menstrual cycle. It is our last explanation for "negative pregnancy test no period".
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