When to Take Fish Oil

Fish oil can either be attained via the consumption of fish, or the intake of supplements, which offers abundant mega-3 fatty acids. This is particularly prominent in salmon, tuna, mackerel, mullet, anchovy, sardines, trout, herring, sturgeon, and menhaden. And the fish oil supplements usually utilize these ingredients to deliver a convenient boost of omega-3 fatty acids. Yet, knowing when you can take fish oil to enjoy the most benefits can be an important thing. This article will detail this issue, along with tips and precautions.

When to Take Fish Oil

Fish oil or other supplements enriched with omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to have cardiovascular benefits. Some people may think it wise to consume fish oil immediately prior to a workout, so as to achieve these cardiovascular benefits, but the opposite is in fact true. As fat takes a long time to digest—the human digestive system only being able to process 10g of fat per hour, meaning that if you were to take fish oil immediately prior to a workout, it will likely lead to indigestion and/or gastric distress.

The best time to take fish oil is during the main meal of the day, when you will take multivitamin as well. If you don't have a multivitamin, you can also take fish oil along with vitamin D. This is true unless you consume your main meal immediately prior to vigorous exercise, in such an instance, you should reserve your fish oil supplement later with your dinner, after you have finished exercisingor carrying out other strenuous physical activity. Just avoid consuming it before rigorous activity.

Seek a doctor before taking. Although fish oil can be acquired without a prescription over-the-counter, it may still be wise to speak with a healthcare professional before starting a period of fish oil consumption, regarding on possible adverse side effects and best time to take it.

When to take fish oil in regards to treating certain conditions can also be a concern for many people. As the fatty acid EPA often has a strong effect on triglyceride levels, it can be beneficial in treating cardiovascular problems, cognitive problems, and even blood sugar level problems. Follow medical instruction regarding time and frequency to take it; most of the time you’ll be asked to spread it out it you need to take more than 1 capsule per day.

How to Take Fish Oil

With knowing the issue of when to take fish oil, here comes the next one: how to take fish oil to enjoy the most benefits safely.

1. Methods to Take Fish Oil

Fish oil works best when consumed with a meal, the supplementary medication most commonly comes in the form of a capsule which should be swallowed whole rather than to be chewed, split, or punctured. You should always follow the directions on the label or the directions of your physician. And try to not consume too much or too little, as you will unlikely receive the desired effect. It is important to remember that fish oil works best as part of a program of treatment which includes exercise, diet and weight control.

2. Tips and Precautions

Frozen fish oil is one of the options.Some fish oil products can be frozen, which can reduce the fish odor and possible side effects associated. Once you have ascertained when to take fish oil, you can store fish oil in the freezer, take one capsule when you are scheduled to consume the supplement. Just swallow it whole whilst it still frozen. Remember to make sure that the product you acquired can be frozen, which can be specified on the packaging/container. If you are unsure, it is possibly best not to freeze them, just to be safe.

Avoid taking in large amounts. As fish oil can work to thin the blood, it can effect blood clotting, and even cause internal bleeding when consumed in large amounts.

Avoid certain medications. There are also certain medications that should not be taken with fish oil, such as aspirin and warfarin. Speaking with a healthcare professional will allow you to ascertain whether fish oil is right for you, and avoid any unwanted complications.

3. More Things to Know

Fish oil contains the omega fatty acids EPA and DHA, both of which provide numerous benefits to the body. There is clear evidence suggesting that these fatty acids have extremely beneficial cardiovascular effects, and they are even though to help with cognitive ailments, such as bipolar disorder, ADHD, and depression.

Fish oil can act as a blood thinnerand cause adverse, unwanted side effects such as the aforementioned internal bleeding which may result from over-consumption. Besides, fish oilcan be effortlessly oxidized, which can cause inflammation when it meets your digestive system.

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