13 Best Benefits of Going on Fasting

What is fasting? This is simply abstinence from eating and/or taking water or any form of fluid. Most people cannot begin to imagine how anyone can go for a day without a meal, let alone days. However, there are millions of people who fast for different reasons. It could be for spiritual benefit, physical benefits, and even mental benefits. For instance, athletes will fast to improve their physical and mental health. This is because fasting is known to improve metal clarity and brain function. There are different faiths that uphold fasting for spiritual benefit. These faiths include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism as well as Buddhism. There are numerous benefits of opting for fasting. Read on to find out why it is advisable to fast every once in a while.

Benefits of Fasting

1. Break addictions

There are people who incorporate fasting in their regimen when they are trying to break habits such as smoking, binge eating, or taking alcohol. Fasting makes it possible for you to break these habits as most of them are done before or after meals.

2. Boost your immunity

When you fast, you improve your immune system since it enables your body to reduce free radicals which can cause several health conditions including cancer. When you fast, you make it easier for your body to fight off infections since most organs are rested.

3. Make you more energetic

When you fast, you give yourself time to focus on other areas of your life. You can take up meditation, reading or martial arts. When your body is not focusing on digestion, you end up feeling more energized and full of life. This is because digestion takes up too much body energy. All this energy is at your disposal during fasting. You develop a clearer mind and a lighter body, which leaves you feeling good about yourself.

4. Reduce detox in your body

The meals that you take on a daily basis leave toxin deposits in your body. Fasting can help you detoxify. All you need to do is cut out all solid foods for a period of two days. You can choose to make healthy smoothies, which you take in during meal times. Some people prefer to go for the two days with just plain water. After 48hours, you will have flashed out the toxins from your body.

5. Clear skin of acne

When you fast, you channel all your body energy on other aspects such as getting rid of toxins that accumulate in the body. This clears the toxins under your skin and opens the pores, which prevents development of acne.

6. Help you lose weight

Wanna more benefits of fasting? If you are looking for a way to shed some weight, fasting has been proven to be an effective way of doing so. It is possible to lose up to 4% of your total body fat if you faithfully fast for 22 days. You can choose to take only one meal a day and survive on water until the next meal schedule. When you fast, your body insulin levels are controlled. This makes it possible for your body to tolerate intake of sugars better. During a fast, your body insulin is more effective at allowing body cells to absorb blood glucose.

7. Improve brain function

When you fast, you allow your body to produce the BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor). This is a protein known to activate brain stems which convert into neurons. These are needed to better brain function. This protein is also responsible for protecting brain cells from changing. Changes in the brain cells often lead to development of Alzheimer’s as well as Parkinson’s diseases. 

8. Boost your metabolism

When you fast, you give your digestive system time out from all the digestion it does. This reenergizes your metabolic system and makes it possible for it to burn more calories effectively. If your digestive system slows down, it greatly affects your body’s ability to digest foods as well as burn fat. With fasting, you improve your metabolism and make bowel movement easier.

9. Reduce hypertension

Controlling your blood pressure is one of the most important benefits of fasting. When your body collects and stores too much cholesterol, the cholesterol eventually clogs the arteries. This increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. When you fast, you force your body to burn the accumulated cholesterol to survive. This helps to unclog the arteries. During the fast, the body also releases hormones that control blood pressure. This goes a long way in ensuring your body is able to regulate your blood pressure.

10. Promote longevity

It might be hard to believe but the less you eat, the longer you may live. According to numerous studies conducted in different cultures, the length of their lifespan depends greatly on their diet. This is because the foods we eat can either promote or slow down our metabolism. A slower metabolism is connected to aging while a fast metabolism is linked to longevity. The less you eat, the faster your system digests food.

11. Control your hunger pangs

It is not possible to experience real hunger if you eat every few hours. When you eat several means in a day, your body learns to expect meals every few hours. This is how you end up putting on weight. The human body has the ability to go for up to 12 or 24 hours without food. It is only after this period of time that the body really needs replenishment. When you fast, you reset your body to experience hunger only when it is necessary. To completely reset your body and hunger pangs, you can fast for a few days and only eat when it is necessary.

12. Get rid of oxidative stress and body inflammation

Oxidative stress is a major cause of quick aging and also several health problems. This type of stress makes it possible for free radicals in the body to react with the body’s protein or DNA which causes damage. When you fast, you allow your body to be more susceptive to oxidative stress.  

13. Secrete human growth hormone

This is yet another one of the benefits of fasting. When you decide to take a break from food, you make it possible for your body to actively secrete the human growth hormone. This is a hormone that promotes fat burning, decreases insulin levels and also promotes growth of muscles.


There is no stipulated amount of time one can fast. However, most people fast for 14 to 18 hours. This is especially so if you are used to feeding every 2 to 4 hours. However, as you proceed, you can increase on the time you take on fasts. With time, you will find that you are able to stretch to a day or two on fluids. It’s all about practice. 

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