Tips to Be a Happy Single

If you have recently broken up with your significant other or if you've been single for a while, you might think you will never be happy again. Being single can leave you feeling that you are lost or destined to be miserable for the rest of your life. While you may be wonder how to be happy single, it doesn't have to be impossible. Learning to be happy even when you aren't in a relationship will not only allow you to love yourself more, but will allow you to love your single status more. Read on to learn how.


How to Be Happy Single

1. Practice gratitude

Take the time each day to be thankful for all that you have. While you may have ended a relationship with someone you care deeply about, that doesn't mean you have lost all the good things in your life. Practicing a routine of gratitude will not only help you heal from the breakup, but is highly beneficial for your health as well. You will feel less stress, less anxiety and find ways to enjoy every moment of your life, which helps you feel like you are living a more fulfilling life.

2. Focus on yourself

We all have our “flaws” and many people will deny they even have some. Knowing there are things about yourself that you would like to improve upon will in the future attract your perfect partner. Learn more about the things that make you and if there are things you might not be so happy about that you see in yourself, you now have something to work towards. Focusing on yourself after a break up is important because it allows you to heal, move on and become a better person.

3. Do things alone

You might be hating the idea that you have to do things alone, but this can be a time you find things you really enjoy. Most people avoid doing things alone because it scares them or they don't want to feel as if they are being judged by others. When you learn to do things on your own, you learn how to be happy single. You'll enjoy your own company more which means you will feel less of a need to have someone with you all the time to really enjoy your life. Go out to eat, see a movie, or just walk along the beach alone. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but you will feel relieved after.

4. Focus on your other relationships

There's a good chance you may have neglected your other relationship when you were in a romantic relationship, so now is the best time to reconnect and strengthen those relationships. Spend some extra time with your family or make it a point to get in some more friend time with your bestie. Not only will this make you feel less alone but the people you care about most, like your friends and family, are the ones who will give you the support and encouragement needed when you're single.

5. Exercise

Everyone should be exercising on a regular basis because it is good for your health, but it is the one thing most people neglect especially when they are single. When you are in a relationship, you might have more motivation to exercise because you want to look your best for your partner; but when you break up, you lose that motivation. Exercising will help you feel good about yourself because of the feel-good hormones released when you exercise. Make running, swimming or taking a class at the local gym a part of your daily routine and you will forget about your single status and just feel good about yourself.

6. Meet new people

How to be happy single doesn't mean you can't put yourself out there. While you don't have to immediately start looking for a new relationship, you also don't want to keep yourself isolated in your apartment for too long. Get out and meet new people without the intention of dating. You might be surprised by how many like-minded people you can find and who can become lifelong friends.

7. Ask yourself what you want

Being single is the perfect time to look at your life with new perspective. Ask yourself what you really want in a partner. When you take the time to really define what you want from a relationship, it will lead you to find someone who is more compatible to you and you'll waste less time dating someone you know you don't want to get serious with. Aside from what you want from a partner, you should be clear about what you want out of your life in general. Do you want to focus on a career? Traveling? Pursuing an education? Being single opens up a new opportunity for you to set life goals for yourself.

8. Try something new

Ever wanted to take a dance class? Try your hand at pottery? Learn to bake? Find something new to try to occupy your time. Not only will this help you learn more about yourself, but you will be so focused on learning something new that you will forget that you're doing it while being single.

9. Don't compare your single status with others

If you are newly single or have been single for a while, you are going to have to face the fact that you might be the third wheel sometimes and that your friends and family will constantly ask if you are seeing someone. You have to learn how to handle these comments and situation without feeling like there is something wrong with you. How to be happy single? It requires you defining your own status and that you don't care what others think of it.

10. Pamper yourself

Get your nails done, cut and dye your hair and spend a little on a new pair of shoes. Whatever it is, allow yourself to indulge a little on just yourself. You don't want to overspend on things but do pamper yourself so you can feel more confident. Spend your time focusing on meeting your own needs instead of someone else's.

11. Travel

Plan a weekend getaway with your best friends or just a quick trip to the beach. Better yet, plan a trip by yourself. Take the time to travel when you aren't in a relationship and it won't cost you as much. Plus, planning a trip that fits around your schedule is much easier to do when you don't have to plan it around someone else's as well.

12. You are all you need

You don't need someone else to make you happy. You are a fully functional human being who is not dependent on someone else. You make your own schedule and do what you want. Remember that! There are many perks to being single and one of the main ones is knowing you will survive just fine without being in a relationship.

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