What Are Those White Bumps Under Head of Shaft?

Many men are concerned when they see things on the skin of their penis. The first thing that comes to mind is that they may possibly have a sexually transmitted disease. However, what if you are not sexually active or you carefully use protection? What are those white bumps under head of shaft of penis?

It isn't uncommon to get curious and take a look at things down there. You may notice lots of skin imperfections that you've never seen before. What you are looking at may have been present for quite some time, or they could be new.

This is why it is important to get checked out if you are unsure of what is going on. To ease your worries, this article will help you understand some of the causes of white bumps near the head of your penis.

What Are Those White Bumps Under Head of Shaft?

The good news is if you are not sexually active, they may actually just be harmless skin imperfections and nothing to worry about. If you are sexually active, there is a chance they could be a sexually transmitted disease or STD. Either way, you still need to get them checked out by your doctor if they are something new. Here is a list of the things that may cause this:

1. Pearly Penile Papules

Pearly penile papules are harmless white bumps that can show up anywhere near the head of your penis. They are just a benign skin growth and nothing to worry about. PPP are not contagious. They can tend to appear in the later teen years to adulthood.

  • Symptoms: Small skin growths that grow in a row around the head of the shaft of your penis. You may even develop a double row. They are white, yellow, or pinkish in color and are about 1 to 4 mm in size.
  • What Can Be Done: Most importantly, do not pop them! Trying to pop them could cause an infection. Instead, try these things; wash daily or even twice daily with plain water, wear cotton underwear, and some doctors can try laser or freezing. Usually doctors don't recommend treatment as they are harmless.

2. Skin Tags

Skin tags are another harmless skin condition that can affect the head of the penis. It is very common. They are usually caused by hormonal changes, being overweight, and friction from clothing. Skin tags are unrelated to sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Symptoms: Skin tags look like tiny flaps of skin. They are usually the same color as the flesh. They may even take on the appearance of a mole with darkish brown coloring. If they get irritated they can itch or bleed.
  • What Can Be Done: Skin tags can bleed a lot. Never try to cut them yourself at home. There are creams that may help shrink them or some people apply apple cider vinegar, which is very safe. If they become a problem, your doctor can freeze and remove them easily in the office. Make sure that any creams you use at home contain “all-natural” ingredients to avoid chemical reactions or burns.

3. Lymphocele

You have lymph nodes all over your body, even on the head of your penis. A lymphocele can develop from friction and causes lumps or swelling that may appear as white bumps under head of shaft or other areas on body. This is because pressure can block the lymph channels. A lymphocele is not caused by an STD, but could be a sign of infection so watch it closely.

  • Symptoms: White bumps, pain, swelling, and redness in the area.
  • What You Can Do: A lymphocele will usually clear up on its own in a few days. Try to avoid pressure to the area, and see your doctor if it doesn’t go away within a week or you develop fever.

4. Lichen Nitidus

Lichen Nitidus is an inflammatory skin condition that causes bumps on the skin. They can commonly occur near the head of the penis and often look like tiny warts. They are not sexually transmitted. The cause of inflammation is not completely understood.

  • Symptoms: These are tiny flat pimple appearing bumps. They may be either white or fleshy in color.
  • What You Can Do: Keep your skin clean and dry. They usually do not need any treatment and go away on their own. In severe cases, doctors may try steroid therapy.

5. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

These are also known as genital warts. They are sexually transmitted and caused by the HPV virus. If left untreated, they can lead to certain forms of reproductive cancer. You may notice the warts as white bumps under head of shaft, at the base of the penis, and under the foreskin.

  • Symptoms: Small white bumps, cauliflower shaped bumps, and if they get inside the urethra there may be burning with urination.
  • What You Can Do: If you think you have genital warts you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Early treatment reduces the risk of cancer. They can freeze and take off the warts or give you a solution to put on them every day until they disappear. Always use a condom with sexual intercourse to prevent spreading them to a partner. They can also get into your throat during oral sex.

6. Fordyce Spots

Fordyce spots are just your sebaceous glands that have grown to be prominent. They aren’t sexually transmitted because this is just a naturally occurring thing in your own body. They are usually most visible on the penis when it is erect.

  • Symptoms: Small white or yellow bumps. They are tiny at only 1 to 3 mm in size. They may appear near the head of the shaft of the penis or all over the penis. They may even cluster together in groups and look like cauliflower lesions.
  • What You Can Do: They aren’t harmful, so treatment really isn’t necessary. Many people suffer from these find that natural oils are very helpful. These include jojoba oil, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. For cosmetic purposes, dermatologists can try laser treatments, but they can be expensive.

7. Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes virus. When you first breakout, you will notice small white blisters in your genital area. They can form around the head of your penis.

  • Symptoms: Blisters can form and then open up into sores that hurt. They can appear on the genitals or even oral areas if you have oral sex.
  • What You Can Do: Make sure you use a condom and cover any exposed areas that have lesions before sexual contact. The fluid that leaks from the lesions contains the herpes virus and is contagious. Talk to your doctor for a full evaluation and treatment. There are anti-viral medications that can help control the condition.
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