Ways to Deliberately Sprain Ankle or Fake It

Many teens wind up with a sprained ankle at some point. It often happens during athletic activity, but sometimes it just occurs for no apparent reason. This is especially true in those who have weak ligaments in the ankle, as a sprain occurs when those ligaments get stretched or torn.

Most sprained ankles hurt significantly, but they quickly heal with very little treatment – just some time off the leg and a little care. Other sprained ankles can be much more serious, and can lead to problems with walking, or even require surgery.

Some people will try to sprain their ankle on purpose. Why? They want to get out of something, such as going to school or attending a meeting or sporting event.

How to Sprain Your Ankle on Purpose

Please remember that it is never okay to hurt yourself on purpose. Spraining your ankle can lead to serious consequences, such as significant pain, weeks of unpleasant rehabilitation or even surgery. Spraining your ankle on purpose is not a good way to get out of doing something! However, if you are determined to do something like this, at least understand what you are getting into.

Type of Sprained Ankle: Understand How Ankles Get Sprained

The most common sprain of the ankle is called an inversion sprain. This happens when the ankle rolls so that the sole of the foot is facing inward. The weight of the body then comes down awkwardly on the foot and ankle, stretching or tearing the ligaments on the outside.

The medial ligament sprain occurs when the foot twists the other way. This means that the ligament on the inside is torn. This is a more serious sprain and is much rarer, as it takes a particular injury to lead to this type of sprain.

Ways to Sprain Your Ankle

If you are determined to learn how to sprain your ankle on purpose, here are some ways that might work. Please note again that the damage you inflict might be much more severe than you expected.

  1. Wearing thin-soled rubber shoes, deliberately walk across a slippery or wet floor with the intention of falling down. When you do, twist your foot in toward your body. This will often result in a sprain.
  2. Jump off a stool that is about two feet high, with the intention of landing awkwardly. Try to land with your foot pointed inward, so that the pressure is on your ankle.
  3. Numb your ankle first with freezing water if it helps you get up the nerve to do this.
  4. Walk on a beam and don’t look down. You will eventually fall off the beam, and the pressure can lead to a sprain. You can also do this on a curb.
  5. Jump from a tall surface while wearing a high-heeled shoe. Make a point of landing on the foot that is wearing the high heel. Almost every time, that ankle will give way and you will fall down with a sprain.
  6. Try walking in high heels on the surface of soft sofa. Sink and twist your foot into the space where two pieces of sofa meet. This twisting force would sprain your ankle.

How to Fake You Have a Sprained Ankle

If you are simply looking for attention but don’t want to deal with the pain or very real possibility of hurting yourself, you can fake a sprained ankle. Understanding how to sprain your ankle is a key point in learning to fake it. You can gently fall down a flight of stairs, run outside and deliberately fall to the ground, or pretend you tripped over something. Then simply act as though you are in great pain.

Need to make it more authentic? Here’s how:

  1. Remember that your ankle is supposed to hurt very badly, especially when moving it. Complain of very sharp pain when you move the foot or put weight on it. If you are examined by a doctor, make a point of wincing the moment they move your ankle.
  2. Don’t tell your friends that you are faking it. If they get upset with you for some reason, they could tell the truth to someone who would like to know – like a teacher – and get you into serious trouble.
  3. Put a sharp rock in your shoe. This will hurt every time you take a step and will remind you that you are supposed to be seriously injured. You will also remember which ankle you were supposed to have hurt and you will limp properly.
  4. Speaking of limping, you will need to do a lot of this.
  5. Move the “injured” ankle much less than the hurt ankle, especially when asked to test your range of motion by a doctor.
  6. Get crutches and an ace bandage, wrap up the ankle, and make sure to keep it all convincing for at least a few days. You might also want to go to the school nurse and ask for pain medication to keep up the farce. 
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