Is Perrier Bad for You?

Perrier is carbonated bottled mineral water sourced from the Les Bouillens spring in Southern France. Although the water from the spring is already naturally carbonized, carbonic gas is added to it again as it is bottled. Because of the many health benefits this water promises, it became very popular among Americans who wanted to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Perrier soon became a widely-used substitute for soft drinks or cocktails and has gained a reputation for being an all-natural, refreshing, zero-calorie drink. But there are people who believe that Perrier is bad for your dental and digestive health. Is this true?


Is Perrier Bad for You?

There has been no compelling evidence suggesting that Perrier can have negative effects on your health. In fact, it has no calories, dissolved sugar, alcohol, or caffeine content, so it's as healthy as any drink you can get. However, there have been some rumors going around about some possible health risks to drinking Perrier and other brands of sparkling mineral water. 

Myth: Perrier Can Erode Your Tooth Enamel

Carbonated water has been rumored to cause degradation of teeth because of its higher levels of acidity. However, mineral water is not like other carbonated fizzy drinks, so there is no need to worry. Sparkling mineral water doesn't contain any flavoring agents which are the sources of acids in other fizzy drinks. Researchers have conducted experiments where they soaked human teeth in carbonated water to find out if this would cause the enamel to erode or the teeth to discolor. Results were negative, and carbonated water was found to have no bad effects on teeth.

Myth: Perrier Can Irritate Your Bowel

Carbon dioxide has been said to trigger hiccups, dilute digestive stomach acids, and even exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome. Although it is indeed advisable to stay away from any drinks that are carbonated if you suffer from irritable bowel, there is no cause for alarm when it comes to digestion and hiccups. In fact, fizzy water has even been said to ease the pain that comes with indigestion and an upset stomach. The worst that can happen when you drink carbonated water is an increase in your burps and flatulence, but even this shouldn't be much of a problem.

Myth: Perrier Can Cause Kidney Stones

Is Perrier bad for you because it can cause kidney stones? The answer is no. In fact, carbonated mineral water is even encouraged by doctors as a way to increase fluid intake and build up on magnesium and calcium reserves in the body. Research has even proven that drinking mineral water can actually decrease the occurrence of kidney stone formation in patients who were deemed high risk and prone to the condition.

Possible Health Benefits of Perrier

1. Hydration

Keeping yourself properly hydrated is absolutely necessary for your health. If you don't like the taste of bland, plain water, sparkling water is a great alternative. Both of these drinks do not contain any calories or sugar in them, but sparkling water may taste better because of its carbonated properties. 

2. Bone Strengthening

Mineral water is rich in calcium. This is important because calcium plays a big role in strengthening your bones so that you are not fragile. Calcium is also great for improving muscle performance, especially that of the heart. It even aids in nerve transmission, hormone secretion, and cell signaling. Different brands of mineral water have different calcium levels, with some as much as 348 mg. So is Perrier bad for you? Definitely not since it has 170 mg of magnesium, fulfilling 17% of your recommended daily values.

3. Magnesium

Another mineral that can be found in mineral water is magnesium which is necessary for protein synthesis, energy production, and muscle and nerve function. It also helps to regulate and maintain blood pressure and sugar levels. Drinking mineral water is a great way to make up for your magnesium deficit, as one liter alone can contain up to 108 mg, or 29% of the recommended daily value. Perrier itself has 6 mg, which equates to about 2% of the daily value.

You can learn more about the benefits of sparkling water from here

More Healthy Bottled Water You Can Try

Is Perrier bad for you? No, and neither are these other brands of mineral water, which all have unique mineral compositions:

1. Evian Natural Spring Water

Evian is taken from the Source Cache in France and is thought to have healing and restorative powers. The water comes from melted snow and rain filtered through glacial sand and protected by clay, giving it its unique taste and mineral content.


2. FIJI Natural Artesian Water

The number one brand of bottled water in the United States, FIJI comes from the Yaqara Valley and contains silica, calcium, and magnesium. The quality of FIJI water is ensured by the fact that no human hands are allowed to touch it until you open your bottle.


3. Gerolsteiner Mineral Water

Gerolsteiner is the number one brand in Germany and comes from the Volcanic Eifel area. Because this water is taken from 200 feet below the surface of the earth, it is rich in magnesium, calcium, and bicarbonate and has a unique refreshing taste.


4. Ferrarelle Naturally Sparkling Mineral Water

Ferrarelle is Italy's number one brand of water and comes from the Campania region. Ferrarelle water is meticulously tested over 600 times daily to ensure its freshness and quality. Rich in potassium, fluoride, magnesium, and calcium, the water collects these minerals as it trickles through several layers of untouched rock.


5. San Pellegrino Water

San Pellegrino is water that comes from the spring of the same name. Located in Milan, it is actually taken 1,3000 feet below ground, from three deep springs studded with limestone and volcanic rocks. These give its refreshing taste and special mineral composition.


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