How to Use Bleach Bath and 4 Other Baths to Relieve Eczema

Eczema is a term used for a range of skin conditions characterized by inflammation and redness. The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition that starts early in life. And while some may outgrow it, others have to live with the condition well into their adulthood. Eczema is characterized by rough, scaly, itchy and inflamed skin. Some alternative eczema treatments have been used in parts of the world with some success. One case is bleach bath.

How to Use Bleach Bath for Eczema

Use of bleach, though unconventional, has been found to work in the treatment of eczema. Studies have shown that bathing in water that has a small amount of bleach added to it can be a successful treatment. Since bacteria can thrive on skin affected with eczema, a bleach bath will kill the bacteria as well as reduce the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, thereby soothing your skin to give you relief.

Be careful with measuring the right amounts; otherwise you may end up irritating the skin even further. It is best that you seek your doctor’s advice to help you with the measurements.

The following are the generally accepted standards of measurement:

  • Avoid using concentrated bleach and instead, use the regular one whose concentration is about 6%.
  • If you are preparing the bath for a toddler, use a spoonful of bleach for a gallon of water. If you are using a full bathtub, add half a cup, and a quarter cup of the bleach if the bathtub is half full.
  • Avoid applying undiluted bleach to skin, especially for children.
  • Make sure the bleach bath for eczema is completely blended before bathing in it.
  • Pour the bleach while the tub is filling.
  • Get medical advice on the duration of bathing/soaking. Soaking for about 10 minutes is usually recommended.
  • Pat dry and apply eczema medication and some moisturizer.
  • Having frequent bleach baths may result in dry, chapped skin which may be a painful experience for you or your child. Invest in medicated moisturizers and cleansers to help you keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.

Other Types of Bath for Eczema Treatment

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Baths

Apple cider is one nature’s best gift for the many uses it has. It serves as a great alternative for those who wish to use natural treatments. One of the uses of apple cider vinegar is in the treatment for eczema.

  • Use two cupfuls for a bath tub soak and four spoonfuls for a baby bath.

2. Salt Baths for Eczema

Many people who suffer from eczema experience positive changes if they start frequenting the beach. The salty water has been found help in relieving the symptoms of eczema.

  • Be it table salt, sea salt or Epsom salt, dissolving 1-2 cups in warm water will do the trick.
  • You can start with half a cup and gradually build up to two with continued use. It is just as effective as a bleach bath for eczema.

3. Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal is not just great for eating; because of it moisturizing and soothing properties, oatmeal has been found to be an excellent treatment for dry, itchy skin. It restores moisture and nutrients to the skin. It is excellent in treating many skin conditions such as sunburns, skin rashes, diaper rashes and eczema.

  • Blend a cupful of oatmeal in a food processor to a medium consistency.
  • Put the blended oats in a nut milk bag.
  • Place the bag in a bathtub full of water.
  • Proceed to enjoy a good soak for about half an hour as you allow your skin to get healed and rejuvenated by the oatmeal bath.
  • After you have finished, pat dry your skin and apply eczema medication.
  • You can also add coconut oil or sea salt to the bath.
  • Always ensure that you are not allergic to oatmeal before embarking on this treatment.

4. Baking Powder Bath

Baking powder can also be used as an alternative to bleach bath for eczema. It has also been found to be helpful in treating itchy skin. Sodium bicarbonate is a natural exfoliant, has antiseptic properties, detoxifies and cleanses the skin, thus preventing further flare-ups. To use baking soda for eczema, follow the simple steps:

  • Add a quarter cup of bicarbonate of soda to lukewarm water in a bathtub.
  • You can add oatmeal or Epsom salt and soak in the bath for about half an hour. This bath is suitable for you or your child.
  • After you have finished, rinse with clean water.
  • Apply eczema medication.
  • You can dress the affected areas to avoid dryness.
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