Can't Stop Blinking Very Hard, Why?

Blinking is an important physiological function of the body. The frequency of blinking normally depends on the maturity of the nervous system. Usually, newborn babies tend to wide-eyed stare and blink less frequently while adults blink around 14 to 17 times per minute.

Why do people blink then? Blinking serves as a protection against the possible entry of dust or any foreign objects to the eyes. This also prevents damages by shutting out too much bright light from passing through the unprepared eyes. It spreads a tear film over the exposed surface of your eye, keeping it healthy and moist. The rate of blinking can change depending on one’s emotions and actions. It can increase when you are nervous, when you are talking, or when you are exposed to bright lights. However, frequent blinking can also be a sign of the nervous system abnormalities in some people.

I Can’t Stop Blinking Really Hard, Why?

1. Blepharospasm

Blepharospasm is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal stimulation of the nervous system as well as the spasmodic contraction of the eye muscles. This causes a quick and involuntary blinking of the eyes. It can be classified as an eye dystonia which is commonly observed in people aged 50 to 70.

You may experience heaviness around the eyes, drooping and twitching of the eyelids, swelling of the eyes, dryness and gritty feeling of the eyes, too much sensitivity to light, fatigue, and anxiety.


  • Use of botox injection in the muscles of the eyelids. This will give significant relief by relaxing the muscles involved.
  • Oral medications are available but may produce unpredictable results.
  • Surgical procedure such as myectomy to remove part of the muscles and nerves in the eyelids.
  • Alternative treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, biofeedback, and nutritional therapy.

2. Dry Eyes

Dry eyes occur when the tears easily evaporate or when lesser tears are produced by the eyes. It can also be a sign of Vitamin A deficiency. This condition can affect one or both eyes and at times can lead to inflammation. Everyone is prone to having dry eyes, but the risk increases with older people.

Other symptoms include burning sensation, dryness and soreness of the eyes, stringy mucus, feeling-like sand in the eyes, eye sensitivity, redness of the eyes, eye fatigue and discomfort, blurred or double vision, and sticking together of eyelids.


  • Keep eyes lubricated by making use of natural tears, using artificial tears such as eye drops, and reducing the tear drainage.
  • Medications can be used especially if the problem is due to systemic or ophthalmic conditions. This may include cyclosporine eye drops to reduce inflammation and trigger tear production.
  • Use of antibiotic drops or ointment at night and oral antibiotics such as doxycycline or tetracycline.
  • Steroid drops can help reduce symptoms brought about by the inflammation.
  • Regular cleaning of the affected area with diluted baby shampoo especially if the patient is suffering from blepharitis.
  • Surgical procedures by an oculoplastic surgeon.

3. Conjunctivitis

Wonder why I can’t stop blinking really hard? Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, which occurs when the conjunctiva is irritated or inflamed, may be the answer. The irritation may be due to several factors, including allergy, infection by bacteria or virus, and irritation. This may cause discomfort and pain that can last for a few days to up to weeks.

You may experience redness of the eyes, watery and shiny eyes, crusty coat in the eyelashes, soreness, and swelling of the eyes.


  • Use of eye drops with antihistamine and decongestants to reduce irritation and swelling.
  • Antibiotics will help if the causative agent is bacteria. Some of the most effective antibiotics include fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, and chloramphenicol.
  • Self-care which includes the use of washcloth soaked in warm water to soothe pain and discomfort.

4. Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that leads to sudden and uncontrollable movements. The cause of this condition is still unclear, but some say that genetics play a great role. It is commonly observed in boys and often starts since childhood.

Other symptoms include motor tics such as making face, arms jerking, mouth twitching, and vocal tics such as coughing, barking, shouting, and swearing.


  • Medical treatments including haloperidol, clonidine, and fluoxetine.
  • Counseling with a psychologist for proper dealing with the condition.
  • Behavioral therapy such as habit reversal training to properly handle tics.

5. Parkinson’s disease

Wonder why I can’t stop blinking really hard? Parkinson’s disease may be the culprit. This is a neurodegenerative condition that affects the motor functioning of the body. The cause is still unknown, but there are claims that both genetics and environmental factors are involved.

Other symptoms include stiffness, tremor, impaired balance, depression, anxiety, and dementia.


  • Proper medications which can increase the neurotransmitter in the brain. This may include levodopa, anticholinergics, amantadine, and dopamine agonists.
  • Surgical procedures such as deep brain stimulation to send signals to the brain and reduce symptoms experienced.

6. Tardive dyskinesia

Tardive dyskinesia is a condition brought about by antipsychotic drugs which are used as a treatment for schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. These drugs block the brain chemical known as dopamine which aids in cell communication and helps in muscle coordination.

Symptoms like puffing out of cheeks, sticking out of the tongue, wiggling of fingers, and tapping of the feet may also be experienced.


  • Switching of drugs used to address mental illnesses. Some of the common use alternatives include valvenazine and deutetrabenazine.  
  • Natural remedies including gingko biloba, melatonin, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E supplements.

7. Stroke

Stroke is a medical condition that occurs when there is not enough blood supply to the brain. This leads the brain cells to deprive of nutrients, oxygen, and eventually die. It is a medical emergency that needs to be treated immediately.

You may experience speaking and understanding problems, walking abnormalities, numbness and paralysis, eye problems, and headache with it.


  • Emergency medications such as intravenous injections of tissue plasminogen activator.
  • Endovascular procedures such as removal of clot using stent retriever.
  • Undergoing stroke recovery and rehabilitation.

8. Other possible causes

If you ask “why I can’t stop blinking really hard?” and still find no answer, the following may also be concerned.

  • Overstimulation of the blinking reflex. This corneal abrasion brought about by foreign objects can lead to watering and blinking in order to get rid of the irritants.
  • Allergic reactions. This may then lead to itching, watering, and roughening of the conjunctiva.
  • Stress and fatigue. 
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