Why Is Your Face Itchy and Red?

No matter what is your skin type, there is a chance that you will experience sensitivities from several forms of allergen including food and environment. This allergic reaction which is characterized mainly by red, itchy, and bumpy rash may occur on any parts of the body. The face is one of the most common sites of allergies. It may temporarily or repeatedly turn red and become itchy. Sometimes, these symptoms may be caused by other situations you should know to treat it properly.

My Face Is Red and Itchy, Why?

1.  Personal care products

Anything that is in contact with your skin may be a potential allergen that causes irritation. This includes cosmetic products, skin care products, hair products, and even the detergents you use in laundering. Some of these items contain chemical ingredients including preservatives and fragrances in their compositions. It is important to check the products you use, especially the new ones. Determine if there are irritants present and try patch testing prior to use to ensure no allergic reactions at all.

2.  Seasonal allergies

Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, may occur during springtime. This may lead to several facial symptoms including red, watery, and swollen eyes. Others may experience severe cases of allergies that sometimes lead to conjunctivitis. When this occurs, it is important to immediately get medical attention.

3.  Insects and animals

Critters and bug bites are greatly associated with allergic reactions. These bites can cause red and itchy bumps that typically appears on the skin, especially on the face, neck, and arms. On the other hand, pet allergies are caused by the reaction to animal’s dander and saliva. This animal-induced allergy causes congestion, sneezing, rashes, and hives. When this occurs, see a doctor or any medical help.

4.  Food

Food allergy is probably the most common type of allergies that greatly affect the face, making you ask “my face is red and itchy, why”. The severity and intensity of the allergy depend on the food consumed. There are cases when the stomach feels upset immediately after eating a particular food. Others tend to develop rashes and lip swelling late after eating. The most severe and probably a life-threatening allergy occurs when the tongue and the windpipe swells. This condition is known as anaphylaxis and requires emergency attention from medical people.

5.  Medication

Medicines and drugs can cause allergies. The severity and type of allergy may vary, depending on the effect of drugs being taken. The face may experience rashes, swelling, and hives. This is extremely dangerous and immediate attention is required.

6.  Eczema

Eczema on the face is characterized by scaly and itchy patches on the skin. The main cause of eczema is still unknown. However, it is sometimes associated with seasonal allergies and food allergies. The effects may vary from one person to another. Proper care and attention from a medical doctor is highly recommended.

7.  Heat rash

Heat rash leads to red and itchy bumps that usually occur on the neck and face. It may appear in different forms especially during hot and humid weather. But this condition tends to go away once the skin is being cooled down through cold compress and other cold relief.

8.  Sun allergy

My face is red and itchy, why? Sun may be the reason. Sun allergy is brought about by the reaction of the body to sun exposure. This normally occurs in the face and in the forearms. It is not very common but once experienced, this can cause skin breakout, itchiness, and red rashes. Medical attention should be given to ensure proper care and attention to the allergy.

How to Prevent Red and Itchy Face

Having a red and itchy face may be a sign of a simple allergy or a serious medical condition. The simple allergies may come from allergens that are usually encountered on a day to day basis. While serious conditions may include chronic eczema or a genetic disorder characterized by the buildup of dead skin cells. No matter what causes these conditions, it is essential to know the proper ways on how to prevent having a red and itchy face.

  • Change your lifestyle by switching to chemical free and non-allergenic soaps, makeups, and laundry detergents.
  • Never attempt to cover or hide rashes and allergies with heavy creams and makeups as it will worsen the condition and lead to further irritation.
  • Remove makeup by washing the face with water and mild soap.
  • Do not touch the face, especially the affected areas, as this will lead to more infection.
  • Always give shade to the face by using caps, scarfs, and umbrella.
  • Use sunscreen in order to prevent sunburn that can greatly affect the redness and itching of the skin.
  • Change beddings and towels frequently to avoid the occurrence of bed bugs and other insects.
  • Apply a moisturizer that is specially formulated for the face in order to prevent redness and dryness of the skin during winter.
  • Avoid eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, and taking allergens that can trigger the allergic reactions on your skin.
  • Be vigilant and cautious about the effects of the medications and foods that are being taken for the first time.

If you have tried the tips above and still wonder “my face is red and itchy, why”, taking over the counter antihistamines can be done to relieve discomfort for a few minutes. However, consultation with medical doctors is still necessary to address the underlying cause of the allergic reaction or more serious problems. 

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