What Causes Shaking and Migraine?

Migraine and shaking are two of the most common symptoms that indicate a certain medical condition. A migraine usually causes excruciating pain and pulsing sensation in the head. This significant pain may occur for a few hours to a number of days depending on the severity of the condition. Shaking or tremor is caused by the abnormal or improper functioning of the area of the brain that is responsible for controlling movements. This can cause an unintentional rhythmic movement that occurs in any of the body parts, such as the hands. When these two symptoms occur together, you want to give following diseases a thought.

What Causes Migraine and Shaking?

1. Tension Headache

A tension headache is a common type of a headache that is caused by the muscle tension especially in the face to the shoulder area. This may be triggered by stress, depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, hunger, bad posture, or fatigue. Some may experience this condition every day, which normally starts in the middle of the day.

Other symptoms: tightness, dull pressure and pain, sensitivity to noise and light, irritability, difficulty in concentrating, and sleeping problems


  • Try home remedies such as a hot shower, cold or ice pack, and always observe good and proper posture.
  • Avoid the triggers, learn to manage stress, and practice relaxation techniques like breathing tips.
  • Try practicing biofeedback.
  • Take the proper medications and over-the-counter pain relievers, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs.

2. Poisoning

Poisoning can either be mild or severe depending on the type and dosage of the poison swallowed. Some of the possible poisons are medications, supplements, illicit drugs, household cleaners, carbon monoxide, and other chemical substances. This can be very lethal and should always be given urgent attention.

Besides migraine and shaking, vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, changes in the size of the pupil, drooling, irregular breathing, confusion, seizure, changes in skin color, and coma could be experienced.


  • Use activated charcoal and other substances to help absorb the poison present in the body.
  • Try using specific antidotes for the poison ingested.
  • Use other medications in order to help control the specific symptoms.

3. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that occurs when there is too much production of hormones in the thyroid gland. This will cause a speed up in the bodily functions, leading to the drastic change in the body. It is commonly observed in women and people with a history of Grave’s disease.

Other symptoms include enlarged thyroid, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, fatigue, mood swings, trouble concentrating, double vision, rapid heartbeat, heat intolerance, and frequent bowel movements.


  • Use of thyroid gland suppressants and radioactive iodine.
  • Take beta blockers to reduce the rapid heart rate and other symptoms.
  • A surgical procedure to remove parts or the entire thyroid gland.
  • Thyroid replacement therapy

4. Excessive caffeine consumption

Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, soda, chocolates, and medications. The sensitivity to caffeine drinks and products may vary from person to person. Some recommend two to three cups of coffee a day. However, too much caffeine consumption can lead to several negativities such as frayed nerves and drained energy.

Other symptoms like depression, irritability, difficulty in sleeping, fatigue, anger, difficulty in concentrating, lack of motivation, and erectile dysfunction may also be experienced.


  • Cut back caffeine consumption, and if possible avoid taking any caffeine and caffeine products.
  • Try to use other alternatives to boost energy and stimulate the bodily functions.

5. Intoxication

Intoxication usually occurs when the mental and physical abilities of the body are affected by a drug or a chemical taken or consumed. Some of these drugs include marijuana, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, opium, and ecstasy. This condition can also occur with accidental consumption of chemicals and fumes such as mercury, gasoline, and pesticides.

Besides migraine and shaking, symptoms like euphoria, paranoia, dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, slow reaction time, increased heart rate, nausea, numbness, sleeplessness, sensitivity, teeth clenching, reduced appetite, and violent behaviour can be experienced.


  • Pumping of the stomach
  • Use of a breathing tube
  • Proper detoxification techniques
  • Use of antidotes to treat certain drugs
  • Practice several drug treatment program and rehabilitation

6. Stroke

Stroke is a condition that occurs when there is no supply of blood and oxygen in the brain. This can lead to the damage and death of the nerve cells, causing severe abnormalities to the physical and cognitive functions. Family history is one of the highest risk factors for stroke which can get worse when not treated immediately.

Other symptoms include weakness, numbness, confusion, trouble in understanding and speaking, loss of balance and coordination, and eyesight problems.


  • Use of IV fluids and oxygen, IV clot-busting medication, and blood thinners
  • Removal of the blood clot using a catheter
  • Carotid endarterectomy or the opening of arteries to remove the plaque present
  • Angioplasty and stents
  • Use of medication to lowering of the blood pressure
  • Surgery to remove the abnormal blood vessels
  • Endovascular procedure using a catheter to prevent rupture
  • Rehabilitation therapy and programs

7. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition wherein a person is suffering from constant anxiety. This happens for no apparent and particular reason. People who have a higher risk of having this condition include those who have traumatic experiences, who abuse drugs and alcohol, who have a chronic illness, and who have a genetic history.

Migraine and shaking will be experienced, as well as fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping, breathing problems, trouble concentrating, and racing heartbeat.


  • Cognitive and behavioral therapy
  • Use of medications including anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs
  • Join support groups to improve personality

8. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar occurs when there is low amount of glucose in the blood. This occurs due to several reasons, but people may experience it more as a side effect of the drug used in order to treat diabetes.

Other symptoms include anxiety, sleepiness, sweating, irritability, hunger, confusion, rapid heartbeat, fainting, and seizures.


  • Consume a small amount of carbohydrates
  • Make a lifestyle change by changing the diet plan
  • Adjust the diabetes medications. Consult your doctor about the proper adjustments and dosage.
  • Treat underlying medical conditions that are affecting your health.
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