Breasts During Puberty

When a girl hits puberty, there are many changes that take place in her body. Some are clearly visible; some others happen inside. These changes shape the body to look and feel more feminine. One of the most common and obvious sign is breast development during puberty. The age when a girl hits puberty is usually between 8 and 13 years, but it varies according to body structure and hormone production. If you are worrying about when you will see these changes in your body, don't worry! Eventually you too will get there.

What Are the Changes of Breasts During Puberty for Girls?

Sometimes girls with small breasts notice that their breasts enlarge gradually and become tender or sometimes painful as during puberty. Some girls may even get confused and worrisome. Don't worry. Breast development during puberty is completely natural. The breasts are nothing but masses of fat and connective tissues that are controlled by the hormones produced in the body. The breast development is a cycle which starts at puberty and ends only after delivery. The hormones are released in larger quantities during puberty, which causes an increased multiplication of the tissues in the breast. This eventually leads to the increased size of the breasts which marks the beginning of menstruation. '

Besides, every girl might have observed that the breasts slightly enlarge and are tender to touch during periods. This is again due to the hormones running a rampage to flush out the unwanted uteri lining which in other words is also called periods.

What Hormones Are Responsible for Changes of Breasts During Puberty?

They are three particular hormones that play the major role in breast development during puberty, which are:

  1. Estrogen is secreted by the ovaries, and is responsible for the growth and division of cells and also responsible for the accumulation of fat which is clearly seen during puberty as breasts enlarge. This hormone is also produced during the beginning of menstrual cycle which is why breast enlargement is seen during periods.
  2. Progesterone works like a steroid. The activity of both estrogen and progesterone go hand in hand. Progesterone is produced during the second half of the menstrual cycle when the quantities of estrogen in the body are lowered, which ensures that breasts development continues, like the proper forming of the milk glands.
  3. Prolactin is secreted by the pituitary gland which is in the brain. As the name suggests, this hormone is responsible for lactation which is secretion of milk during pregnancy. During the beginning of menstrual cycle, some prolactin is released into the system and helps bring about the changes in the breast.

Are Itchy Breasts During Puberty Normal?

Breasts undergo a stage of development. What starts as small buds before puberty now starts growing into rounder and much fuller cups. This development does not come easy. The body mechanism is such that the skin surrounding the breasts is not used to being pulled and stretched, which leads to an itchy sensation while the breasts continue to grow. Though our skin is elastic in nature, it takes time to adjust to the new developments in the body. This itchiness fades away after about 1 year. By this time, the skin would have gotten accustomed to the newly developed breasts.

Note: Sometimes when the itchiness is accompanied by rashes or redness in the area, it could be a sign of an allergy. Dryness around the breasts can also cause itchiness.

What Breast Condition Can Happen During Puberty?

Changes of breasts during puberty can stir up a lot of questions and it is absolutely normal for some teenagers to develop breast conditions during puberty. There is nothing to worry about as these conditions are very common and they can be treated easily. Some of the conditions are:

  1. Fibro adenomas: Sometimes, lumps of fibrous tissues are seen in the breasts. Although they can grow in size and be painful, they are not tumors and can be treated. These lumps might be frequent during periods and can be removed if necessary.
  2. Fibrocystic breast changes: Fluid filled sacs are developed in the breasts. They are not tumors but can be painful and make the breasts tender. Treatment is available to relieve the symptoms.
  3. Infection: Breasts can serve as the portals of entry to bacteria through cuts or wounds. If left untreated, this can lead to an infection. The symptoms include redness, warmth and tenderness. This can be treated with antibiotics.

Changes of breast development during puberty are best discussed with moms and older sisters as they can guide one through the process. It is always helpful to educate yourself on the changes happening in the body so as to get yourself better prepared.

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